
performer13 Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I lost 45 lbs on Weight Watchers's 10 years ago, then gained most of it back. Since then, I've tried to lose again, but have trouble sticking with a plan. I'm trying this site to get some of my discipline back.


  • keriksen
    keriksen Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there,

    I can totally feel your pain! I lost 90 pounds on Weight Watchers and moved back to Calgary about 4 years ago and gained 50 back.
    I was tired of weight watchers and felt like I needed a new program and something new. My client just introduced me to this site and I love the ease of use and not having to figure out the 'points' value for everything.

    This format is similar to Weight watchers, but the site seems more user friendly. I think if your heart and mind are ready to get back on track this tool is pretty cool.

    Good luck and hang in there!

  • Even when I was on Weight Watcher's, I didn't track the points everyday. I'd get in a mindset where I would estimate what a good portion size would be, even when I ate out. Also, I'd stop eating when I was full. I'm trying to get back to that.

    Good Luck to you too!
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