For the ladies-TMI

For pretty much the first 15 years of my cycle, my period did whatever it wanted (was late, early, etc). I went on birth control for about 5 years, and when I went off was when I had also began losing weight (I think I had lost around 20-30 at the time). Once my cycle regulated after getting off the pill, my period was like clockwork.

For the past 7 months I've been gaining weight back, but my cycles were regular up until this last one, which of course was the first cycle that my husband and I began trying to get pregnant, so when I first missed my period I thought I was pregnant already. I am currently on cycle day 52 and nothing yet. I'm very frustrated that the VERY first time I've been late (not to mention THIS late) is when it could mean something else (ie pregnant). In case you're wondering, I am 99% sure I'm not pregnant, I've taken about a million tests.

So I'm thinking, maybe I've finally just gained enough weight back that it is messing with my cycle again. I'm really trying to get back on track and drop some weight, but does anyone have any idea how many pounds I might need to drop before my cycle gets jumped started if that is indeed the problem? Since we're trying to get pregnant, I've read that if I get to cycle day 60 with still no period, I should call my doctor for meds to jump start it. I would much rather get it started again by losing weight, but I hope it doesn't take too long since every month not ovulating is of course a no chance of getting pregnant month.


  • isldgoddes
    In all honesty this is something to ask your Gyno. Go in for a check and tell her whats been going on. She will have more answers once she checks you out. Goodluck and let us know when you do get pregnant!

  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Honestly that would be a question for your DR and even he/she might not know the answer! The best thing you can do is get back down to the healthy weight you were at with regular cycles. If your cycle stays irregular then something else is effecting it. And the weight loss wont hurt with trying to conceive! Remember when you are healthy and active before and during your pregnancy you are more likely to have an easy (easier) labor and delivery