How to...ZUMBA?!?!?!?!?

Well, I just got the Zumba fitness on the Xbox Kinect and OMG, did it kick my butt...I am sweating EVERYWHERE!!!! My question is how do I log it? I see others logging there Zumba exercises but I just can't seem to find it anywhere to log it in....THANX


  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I have added a category for Zumba, similar to dancing.

    I now have an HRM, so I know what calories I'm burning, and dance was pretty close, at least for me since I'm still a beginner.

    Welcome to the Zumba club. Be careful -- it's addictive!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    I didn't know myself so I always just did a safe 350 cals i was 210 back then. Invest in a HRM =) You will love it , then you can create your own exercise as "zumba " and enter the HRM info =)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    absolutely love my zumba. as stated, welcome to the club. i personally log it 10 calories per minute. i work super hard at it so i think thats a good amount.
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    Completely agree you need a HRM it will ask you your height, wt, age etc so that if can tell you your calories burned!!
  • sdickerson
    I've been using 400 to 500 depending on the intensity, based on info I found on various websites. However, someone in class tonight had a monitor on that showed she'd burned 800! If anyone has a better idea, I'd love to know.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I used to put it as aerobic high impact.... I now have a heart monitor and it was very close to what I was burning =)
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    I use the Dancing Aerobic category. Not sure how this compares to the HRM.
  • jenmac82005
    I can't afford a HRM right now, is there anyone close to my weight that can tell me how many calories they burn at zumba? I currently weigh 182 (Starting weight was 212)
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    You should probably get a heart rate monitor and see how much you personally burn at that weight. Averages are just ball parks and really depend on your weight and your personal effort that you put into it.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I'm at 179 and burned about 245 in 20 minutes for Wii Zumba including warm up and cool down.
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I used to log it as dance the one with a twist or something of the sort... new age :)
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I count it as Aerobics low impact or moderate depending on how much jumping I did. (My knees tend to get sore with too much jumping so I take it easy then) LOVE Zumba!!
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    Is Zumba and Wii Zumba different?? I have Zumba, tried it once and realised how uncoordinated i am so gave up...... I am wanting to try again, i also have a Wii....... any difference?
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    I had the same question when I started Zumba, the post i read said to use the Dancing, ballroom, fast exercise in the exercise database.

    I have seen that response reaffirmed several other places, so that's what I do.

    No HRM yet, maybe if my family get's my hint (I told them i wanted one!) for my bday next week I can compare the two.

    Good luck and have fun!