


  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I was in college once too haha....I know this is really hard but try drinking less beer (even though it's involved in all the games, not to mention the cheapest), and try having vodka and club or something....obviously not that it makes it that much better, but every little bit counts. also, and this is just something i've learned from getting older, you don't HAVE to drink a ton when you DO drink. Have a few drinks, then switch to only club, no one will even know the difference : )

    As far as drunk food....I know my friends and I would head home after the bars and get breadsticks, pizza, cheese fries, you name it. #1, if you drink less, you will have more sound mind to think about what you're eating, #2, try splitting something with your friend.

    None if this advice is necessarily "healthy" though, it's hard but try to cut back on the drinking, as much as possible, if you truly want to get healthy and lose weight. If you do cut back, you'll also lower your tolerance, so it'll take much less (calories and $!) to give you a good buzz!
  • Lady_Kayla
    Lady_Kayla Posts: 19
    I have cut drinking out altogether..... I find my calories are far too precious to spend on booze! It doesn't matter how well you do during the week if you blow it all on weekends. Stick to your plan & don't drink for just one weekend & see what a difference it makes!! if you can't then maybe only drink 1 day on the weekend!!!
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I don't think you have to stop altogether, but some drinks have less calories than others. I like vodka/diet tonic or vodka/soda water. Also, wine isn't as bad as mixed drinks or high cal beer. As for the drunk munchies- I would say don't drink to the point of not caring what you eat. I know- easier said than done. My drunk vice is McDonalds chicken nuggets. But if I'm not super drunk (just cut out that last drink), then I have the sense about me to say no!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    i drink vodka and diet tonic. no carbs. if i drink a lot of them though i tend to lose a bunch the next day but then the day after that i gain and it takes about 5 to get back to where i was. if you do it every weekend, though, it might help!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Atthea
    Atthea Posts: 53
    Try to compensate during the day ? Drink loads of water and I mean LOADS !!!!
    I know I always have wine and beer on week-ends so I try to pre-calculate it in my diary.. :drinker:
    I should not have alcohol at all but just to see it it makes me drink less. Always a lot of water retention though! :devil:
    I also try not to eat too salty and fatty you know ? That way I can't stand alcohol and once more ==> I drink less.

    Big difference in the way I look on monday if I don't drink at all !!! :tongue:
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Trying mixing alcohol with seltzer water. My favorite is red wine with lime seltzer water. Add some ice and a lime and it is quite refreshing and looks like a cocktail. Use only 1-2 ounces of wine. You still feel like you are drinking. You can have 3 drinks with the calories of only one glass of wine.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Cut down on the amount you drink, simple
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    As a bartender i have learned a few "tricks" over the years. If you are going to drink then Wine is better than liquor (red better than white) Vodka (especially Belvadere) is lower in calories than other liquors (mix with diet coke, light cranberry juice etc), if your a beer drinker switch to Mich Ultra or MGD 64 (put a lime in it taste better lol) Also best advise drink 1 glass of water for every 1-2 drinks you have. it will decrease how much alcohol you drink, and fill you up so you arent as hungry later.
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    As college students, my friend and I joined this app to shed a few of those freshman pounds for summer. However, we have found it hard to lose with the amount of drinking that occurs on the weekends (and the amount of drunk eating that ensues). No matter how much we work out I feel like we are back at square one on Monday from all of the extra calories. I know that we can't be the only ones struggling with this...any suggestions?

    This is my vice and its hard to let go of. I have quit everything except for drinking, but I have cut back on the amounts & the types. I :heart: margaritas, so I drink Bethenny Frankels Skinny Margaritas that doesnt have that many calories. I also drink Budweiser selects or any kind of light beer or wine. Also get rid of the drunk food...If you love pizza with beer, try to buy the frozen one that comes from Michaelina's (might have spelled it incorrectly) or something like that or make sure what you buy is low in calories where you can track them afterwards. Chances are if you get Dominos, you cant count the exact calories. I was in college once upon a time :drinker:
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    As a bartender i have learned a few "tricks" over the years. If you are going to drink then Wine is better than liquor (red better than white) Vodka (especially Belvadere) is lower in calories than other liquors (mix with diet coke, light cranberry juice etc), if your a beer drinker switch to Mich Ultra or MGD 64 (put a lime in it taste better lol) Also best advise drink 1 glass of water for every 1-2 drinks you have. it will decrease how much alcohol you drink, and fill you up so you arent as hungry later.

    AWESOME news for me :laugh:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I know there's no point telling students not to drink!

    Try planning ahead - say you'll have five beers at 665 calories and half a home-cooked pizza between two of you at 380 calories. If you're on 1400 calories a day that will leave you 355 for two small meals, or 855 if you do 500 calories worth of exercise before you go out, which is loads!

    If you can't balance it all on the day, you're better having your lower calorie days in preparation for a night out rather than trying to make up for it afterwards.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, the obvious answer is stop or cut back on the drinking. But if you are going to drink, and I suspect that your are, then try to substitue something lighter for the "drunk food". If you are at home make sure to keep healthier snack foods that you like on hand and don't have the really bad stuff around. If you're out it will be tougher because bars don't usually offer a lot of healthy options. But do what you can. Eat a healthy meal before you go out so you won't be so hungry. Choose things like chips and salsa instead of wings soaked in buttery sauce.

    Also, if you are drinking high calorie drinks like margaritas or other sugary mixed drinks, you could switch to low calorie beer or liquor mixed with low/no calorie mixers.
  • jeanice66
    jeanice66 Posts: 25 Member
    That is a great idea... at least if nothing else so you don't have to go out and get it ... keep food in the house that you have to prepare... not munchie type food. If you have to stop and cook it you are less likely to make it ... and if you do it will probably be a little healthier than the munchie foods.
  • hatchhome
    hatchhome Posts: 65
    Wow I never knew there was so many drunks on MFP. Lol My opinion is you should enjoy all things in moderation. Cut stuff out that's not working for u. Mcdonalds breakfast is my favorite thing but it doesn't mesh with my diet. I eat it on ocassion. Good luck
  • Juggernautpint
    Juggernautpint Posts: 70 Member
    Stop drinking at weekends :)

    Simple but true.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    If I were to post a topic and say that I binge on pop and chocolate chip cookies over the weekends and can't figure out WHY I'm not losing would pretty much be a "no-brainer," wouldn't it?

    Moderation- what and when- at ALL TIMES. ( not just during the weekdays) Otherwise you take 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
    I guess the question you need to ask yourself: Just how determined am I to live a healthy lifestyle?

    Sometimes that means giving up some things until you can handle them better.
    And if you can't handle all the temptations, you need to find a way to avoid them until you can. You can figure out if you want to do that AND how. Peer pressure is only good if they'll support you in GOOD choices too.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    As a bartender i have learned a few "tricks" over the years. If you are going to drink then Wine is better than liquor (red better than white) Vodka (especially Belvadere) is lower in calories than other liquors (mix with diet coke, light cranberry juice etc), if your a beer drinker switch to Mich Ultra or MGD 64 (put a lime in it taste better lol) Also best advise drink 1 glass of water for every 1-2 drinks you have. it will decrease how much alcohol you drink, and fill you up so you arent as hungry later.

    Bud Select 55 is really good with a lime in it--helps offset the wateryness of the beer! :laugh:
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I make beer, wine and mead for fun. I make 5 and 6 gallon batches, so I have a fair amount of alcohol running around my house. I learned last year that you can have your alcohol and drink it too! What I did was treat my alcohol just like any other food group. It has a caloric value, just add it in to your daily tracking and counter it with exercise. If you are going to drink alot......exercise alot, Remember that alcohol in general is an empty calorie, so building muscle is hard to do, but I lost 50 lbs while drinking beer (good beer!).

    Hope this helps

    YAY! :)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I was a drinker in college and still drink sometimes! (about once or twice a week I get "crazy" with my girlfriends)..But when I know I'll be drinking I get a REALLY good workout in and make sure I have tons of calories left and I eat REALLY well all day and skip drunk munching. We go to McDonalds a lot after and I NEVER order food anymore, I get a bottle of water and just waft the smell of their fries to me (haha!)

    Honestly, I love drinking w my friends and I will never stop going out with them... but if you are drinking like Friday-Sunday nonstop maybe you need to really evaluate the situation and stop for a while. Drinking that much will hinder your weight loss a lot especially if it is every weekend!!

    Also, watch what you drink. I avoid beer at all costs (makes me feel bloated) and try to stick to the same drink all night so I am aware of what I'm drinking and how many calories it might end up being...of course, you can't always control it.. someone buys a rounds of shots or something and you're going to participate.. it happens.
    I try to stay active while drinking too - dancing, walking around...

    You're not going to stop drinking so I don't think people should be telling you to. Just be more aware of your choices and use moderation. Workout hard and eat healthy!
  • beccaschmitter
    I quit drinking almost 4 years ago. I was a HEAVY drinker! I lost 40lbs fast when I stopped! it was amazing! have fun in your college years and just be smart about what you choose to drink. As you start to see results of your hard work you'll find it's easier and easier to decide you don't need to drink to have fun!!! good luck!