two weeks down, a lifetime to go

Hey all!
I've been using this site regularly for about 2 weeks now, and i've got to say it is AWESOME. I'm looking to lose all of the post wedding weight i've put on over the past few years (comforts a pain right??) and make some lifestyle changes (no more midnight McDonalds runs). I've been pretty successful so far, my only fear is that since I am terrified of cooking I'll be eating yogurt and sandwichs for the rest of my life! I've come across some really simple recipes so far which I'm excited to try (i have the fire department on speed dial) and hopefully I can find a few more to try!


  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    Welcome to MFP - glad you're getting on well already!! I think my 3 main bits of advice are:

    Get yourself a good support network of friends (feel free to add me if you'd like) and they'll cheer you on through the good bit and support you through the bad bits!!

    Log everything, good and bad, be accountable for everything and it helps you cut things out!

    Don't expect to be perfect every day - this needs to be for life and it isn't realistic to think you'll be perfect forever - so don't beat yourself up after a 'bad' day, just log it, accept it and move on quickly! No guilt, no regrets. The sooner you teach yourself to just get back on the wagon the minimal the damage will be.

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • deannalu89
    deannalu89 Posts: 29
    Thanks!! I need all the support I can get! =)