How many of you log housework/cleaning?



  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    I log it but I log it as light cleaning even though it takes 30min just to scrub my shower (high iron in my water and everything gets stained orange) and I move my furniture to vacuum. I just got a HRM so when I do my weekly cleaning this week I'll have a more accurate number of my calories burned!!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I do not log any general house work. ie Dishes, vacuuming, tidying up, etc.
    I have started logging any house/home work where it raises my heart rate. Specifically , lawn mowing.
    I figure if it gets the heart beating and i break a sweat it is worth noting.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The ONLY house cleaning I have used for fitness was when I moved my son (by myself) from his two apartments. That included washing walls, cupboards, ceilings, floors, shampooing carpets all that besides the boxing and carrying!! Did this for 2 days straight each time!!
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    I don't log my daily chores such as gardening, mowing, housework, etc. I think exercise needs to be a state of mind, as well as an activity. Exercise should be intentional.

    My friend wrote a really great blog about this, though......

    I agree very much with your friend :) I prefer the kind of exercise you get when you're out in real life doing real things that have a purpose or feels meaningful to you in some way. Climbing a steep hill to see the view from the top is so much more rewarding than step aerobics. Feeling the kayak sliding through the water while you're watching the sun setting over a quiet lake makes a rowing machine in a gym seem somewhat ridiculous. But I can't do that every day, so I work out to get fit enough to do the things I really enjoy when I have the opportunity. I like gardening and I don't consider it a chore. I don't really think of it as exercise either. But I'm squatting, standing up, walking, shoveling, carrying things, reaching for things etc. while I'm doing it, so why not log it? I don't log every little thing I do (like dusting or putting laundry in the washing machine), but if I've made an above average effort I will log it no matter if it's gardening, housework or dog walking. The calories are still burned whether it's intentional exercise or not. And I am losing about a pound a week (which is my goal), so I must be doing something right :)