Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Is anyone currently doing weight watchers or have tried it before?? If so please message me!! I would like some further detail about the program! Thanks!


  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Hey hun, I have done WW about 4 times in total haha, and am currently signed up for 3 months online as because of my broken foot couldnt get to meetings. What do you need to know about it?
  • Clydieboy
    Clydieboy Posts: 3 Member
    Did it, LOVED it, lost about 45 lbs!! Program works, if you work the program!! Count your points and add in exercise......easy as simply walking.......walk, walk, walk........you'll see the pounds drop off! Good luck~~ :happy:
  • saj96003
    saj96003 Posts: 19
    I've done it once and was very successful. It was about 8 years ago. I lost 35lbs and maintained for quite awhile before getting pregnant, then divorced and somehow ending up where I am now. I really enjoyed it and loved the accountability of going to meetings and weighing in. Unfortunately, my schedule and my budget are less flexible these days, so I am giving MFP a try. I like it here but definitely miss somethings about WW. Feel free to add me and ask further questions :)
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    its a great program. I lost 60lbs on it about 6 years ago but I gained most of it back. I found it very hard to maintain. I felt like for the rest of my life I had to eat WW meals and count points in order to keep it off. It's good for jumpstarting but in the end...it's a diet and diets don't work.

    I found myself happier with MFP because it's teaching me what to look for in my food. Also, it's free :)
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you all! I have not signed up for it but was going to try doing it on my own, simply by counting points. Does that work?
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I've never done it but I have an issue with the way it works (or how I understand it works). It's about points and doesn't appear to address the issue of peoples relationship with food.

    Everyone I know who has been seems to balloon as soon as they stop, in other words yo-yo diet. That also looks to be the case with some of the posters on here.

    I think that there are better ways to lose weight and be healthy
  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    I signed up for three months online about a month and a half ago but haven't been using it because MFP is way easier!
  • fenix1976
    fenix1976 Posts: 33 Member
    I dont think it works long term...all my friends lost weight no probs...but when they stopped put it all back on! with cal counting you dont have to buy WW food e.c.t you can eat what u want within reason, much better! But you can get all the stuff on ebay and do it yourself tho no probs.
  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    I've tried it, but had to stop because it got expensive and complicated. MFP is so much easier for me to follow. So far, so good!!:smile:
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    its a great program. I lost 60lbs on it about 6 years ago but I gained most of it back. I found it very hard to maintain. I felt like for the rest of my life I had to eat WW meals and count points in order to keep it off. It's good for jumpstarting but in the end...it's a diet and diets don't work.

    I found myself happier with MFP because it's teaching me what to look for in my food. Also, it's free :)

    Hi there! Congratulations on your 60 pound weight-loss!! That's INCREDIBLE!!
    Respectfully though, I wanted to disagree (for the OP's sake) with your statement that Weight Watchers is a diet. Weight Watchers is all about counting your points (think of calories, fiber, protein, fat, etc.). You eat a limited number of points based on your lifestyle, gender, age, etc. In other words, you limit your intake of food in order to burn more calories than you consume. It's a basic calorie-counting lifestyle (just like MyFitnessPal). In fact, Weight Watchers is VERY careful to call it a "lifestyle" - NOT a diet. It is meant to be sustainable, liveable, and maintainable. In many ways, it is the exact same program as MFP, but the "currency" is different. Rather than counting calories, you count points (which are essentially calories anyway).

    Weight Watchers recently began to incorporate protein, carbohydrates, fat, and fiber into their points calculation. They are trying to teach their program-followers to be well-rounded in terms of eating food. This is great for people who not only want to lose weight but want to be taught what to look for in food.

    Weight Watchers will always work if you follow it properly in the same way that MFP will work. It's a calories in/burned type of idea. If you burn more calories than you consume, then you will lose weight. Simple! :smile:
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    I done it on my own, i did have the resteraunt book, and another book, you can take when you go shopping or whatever. it did help me....however, i didn't stick with it long so i don't know how much weight i actually lost. it is good getting started, i enjoyed it........
    they say it's easier if you go to meetings, but i was never able to and couldnt' afford it anyway. i'm thinking about starting it back along with this....but i don't know...
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I've done WW and was quite successful, when I stopped going to meetings/counting points I gained back. I find MFP much better for long term success. I don't want to count POINTS forever, but I can count calories :-)
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    I have tried it also - attending the meetings is very supportive. This website is much like WW online - but free. So if you are a self-motivated person & will log your food & exercise this is a much better bargin. If you need the support/accountability of face-to-face then WW may be a better choice for you. Best of luck on you journey. :>)
  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    I've done weight watchers online two separate time for three monts each time. The first time was the original setup and I lost like 5-10 lbs, but I was always starving. The second time was with the new points plus program and I didn't lose anything!

    I much prefer MFP! I think points were too abstract for me and you couldn't see you daily intake of carbs, protein, etc. On MFP you see hard numbers. There are also no "free" calories, like limitless fruits and veggies on WW. I get what they are trying to do, but I think that caused me to eat way too much fruit.

    Anyways, I love MFP and have lost 11 lbs so far in 6 weeks.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I dont think it works long term...all my friends lost weight no probs...but when they stopped put it all back on! with cal counting you dont have to buy WW food e.c.t you can eat what u want within reason, much better! But you can get all the stuff on ebay and do it yourself tho no probs.

    Yes, when you stop doing Weight Watchers (aka counting your calories/points), you could gain weight. Just like if you went from doing MFP and stopped. WW and MFP both involve limiting your calories in order to burn more than you consume. If you stop limiting your calories, you will gain some weight. So yes, when you stop doing Weight Watchers (or MyFitnessPal), and if stopping = eating more, then, yes, you'll gain weight.

    Also, you don't have to buy Weight Watchers food to be in the program. You eat whatever you'd like to eat! :smile:
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    i also have to disagree that it's a diet. ww's teaches you how to count your points, and teaches you portion control, that's why when you buy their meals, it's small portions....it's a lifestyle....their trying to teach you.
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    and you dont' have to buy their food....they have a book that tells you what's in the food you buy and how many points it would be...they have one for resteratunts too, so you'll know how to order
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you all! I have not signed up for it but was going to try doing it on my own, simply by counting points. Does that work?

    Sure it does! You don't have to belong to Weight Watchers to DO Weight Watchers. If you understand how the points work and you have the proper tools needed for that, then it's all up to you!

    If your goal is to lose weight, counting points or calories is what you need to do.
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