Need Advice on 30DS and Strength Training....

PrfctGdess Posts: 257
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
OK, so I got the 30DS and started using it in June. Made it 6 days and was feeling good except that my knee swelled up and it took 2 days of icing it to get it back to normal. Took a few days off (btwn my knee and then getting sick) and tried it again yesterday, but it was hard on my ankles (all on level 1, btw)

I don't think I have bad form doing the moves, because I tend to be OCD about stuff like that (I even watch myself in the mirror for some of them to check my form). I like the 30DS because I can feel that it's helping. I bought it because I tend to do all cardio if left to my own devices (I don't like strength training, even though I KNOW how important it is).

Anybody else have this problem? Is this one just hard on joints, or do I need different shoes or something? If 30DS isn't the best for me since my body is protesting (and not in the good way :P ), any other tips for something I can do at home to get in some strength that I won't just hate? LOL (I tried doing just body weight exercises at first, but I don't stick with it).


  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    What are you wearing for shoes? The first day I did 30DS I didn't wear shoes (I hardly ever do with videos) and I quickly found that I needed them. I put on my running sneakers and I haven't had as many problems. If you're finding it's too much for you, do the easier options. Sometimes instead of the jump rope with 2 feet I'd do one at a time sort of like skipping instead. It's a bit easier.
  • mcb816
    mcb816 Posts: 24
    Have good shoes and orthodics! I recommend Spenco. They give me the best support
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    OK, so I got the 30DS and started using it in June. Made it 6 days and was feeling good except that my knee swelled up and it took 2 days of icing it to get it back to normal. Took a few days off (btwn my knee and then getting sick) and tried it again yesterday, but it was hard on my ankles (all on level 1, btw)

    I don't think I have bad form doing the moves, because I tend to be OCD about stuff like that (I even watch myself in the mirror for some of them to check my form). I like the 30DS because I can feel that it's helping. I bought it because I tend to do all cardio if left to my own devices (I don't like strength training, even though I KNOW how important it is).

    Anybody else have this problem? Is this one just hard on joints, or do I need different shoes or something? If 30DS isn't the best for me since my body is protesting (and not in the good way :P ), any other tips for something I can do at home to get in some strength that I won't just hate? LOL (I tried doing just body weight exercises at first, but I don't stick with it).

    I use the nike frees my husband got me to run in (they suck for running. I get blisters even with running socks) Your form may be good. It is gonna take some getting used to. I just started it over again after being sick for two weeks and I still hate level one. I got all the way to level three and now I back to one working on my endurance. If your looking for strength Jackie Warner has a good one on one dvd that covers upper lower and core 20 min a piece you can mix and match, I combine 30ds with the core every other day. So I end up doing that two days a week and cardio three, sometimes it has weights innertwined. I started with Jackie Warner and got really good results on my lower body!
  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    I feel your pain Im on day 7 of level 1. I have been doing pretty good but then yesterday after the work out my ankle was really hurting. I didn't roll it or anything so I'm not sure what happened. I guess I'll just have to see how my ankle does in today's workout. My husband has bad knees and ankles (from an injury in high school football) he tried day 1 with me but his knee started swelling up and has not tried again. He said that it was too high impact for him so we are trying to find something better for him.
  • what is 30DS
  • hayleyxxwxx
    hayleyxxwxx Posts: 67 Member
    What are you wearing for shoes? The first day I did 30DS I didn't wear shoes (I hardly ever do with videos) and I quickly found that I needed them. I put on my running sneakers and I haven't had as many problems. If you're finding it's too much for you, do the easier options. Sometimes instead of the jump rope with 2 feet I'd do one at a time sort of like skipping instead. It's a bit easier.

    I had the opposite problem. I started doing the shred in my training shoes and found it extremely hard on my knees. I ditched the shoes and went barefoot and havnt had any problems since.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Well, I started off doing it with my Sketchers ShapeUps on just because that's what i wear most of the time (they're SOOOO comfortable!) but I've also done it in my "standard" Nikes and barefoot. Not entirely sure what I was wearing the night my knee swelled.

    MelBel, if you find a good option for your hubby, let me know! :)

    KarenRae, 30DS = 30 Day Shred (it's a Jillian Michaels workout DVD, $8 on Amazon) And that's my mom's name, btw :)

    Msaip, thanks for the tip on the other dvds :)

    Lunamare, I started out doing all the easier mods, and I can feel my endurance has gotten better. I still mod some of the moves (like the pushups :P ) but I can keep up with some of the stuff like the jump rope OK. It just hurts my joints some days :(
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Well, I started off doing it with my Sketchers ShapeUps on just because that's what i wear most of the time (they're SOOOO comfortable!) but I've also done it in my "standard" Nikes and barefoot. Not entirely sure what I was wearing the night my knee swelled. MelBel, if you find a good option for your hubby, let me know! :)

    30DS = 30 Day Shred (it's a Jillian Michaels workout DVD, $8 on Amazon)

    Sketchers ShapeUps are not actually intended for intense workouts, and it is possible that this is why you are having problems with your ankles. I personally have knee issues (dislocated my right knee twice, though the last time was in 2001), but have not had any major knee or joint issues doing 30DS. There are some days where I'm more stiff or sore in my joints, but usually when the weather is changing. Also, you may consider seeking chiropractic care. If you spine is misaligned and you have nerve subluxations it may or may not play a role in pain you are experiencing. I would say stick with it and give your body time to adapt, but not to the point of risking injury. Also, how heavy are the dumbbells you are using? I would recommend 2 to 3 lbs to start (or less if neccessary). You can always repeat the shred again and increase the weight the next time around. Good luck!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I'm using a 3 pound weights, so that is about as heavy as I want to go. I hadn't thought about my shoes being problematic, but probably would be bad for this work out so I'll switch back to my nikes. I had also wondered if it might be better to switch back and forth between level 1 and level 2, or just stick with all of 1 level for several days in a row...? would swapping levels work my muscles and joints differently?
  • Also consider the surface you are excercising on. I was working out in a carpeted room and realized that when I switched to a hard surface with a mat my knee hurt less.
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    My problem with the 30DS is not necessarily my knees or ankles, but my shoulder from previous rotator cuff injury. I have to really be careful and modify a lot of the over the head arm raises because of this. I've heard a lot of people complaining about knee / ankle issues. It may just be that our bodies are not used to it, but please do listen to your body and learn the difference between a 'good' burn and a 'bad' one. Always modify if you are injured so as not to make it worse. It's easier than you think to hurt yourself, even when you are doing everything right.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I might have to start doing this barefoot. I have regular tennis shoes, nothing fancy at all (i.e., not specifically designed for any particular sport) but there's no reason I *have* to wear shoes...
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Definitely switch your shoes. The shapeups are not made for jumping and exercise like this, they're just for walking around. I can't stand them personally but my MIL loves them. Even the Reebok RunTone, EasyTone, etc have been shown to be problematic when working out. They put too much strain on your joints trying to keep balance while doing vigorous exercise. My sneakers are just crappy Avia ones I got for a trip last year where we'd be doing a ton of walking. They're fine for exercise like this and running on a treadmill but they give me shin splints if I try to run on blacktop.

    I'm only using 3lbs weights right now too due to degenerative disks at C5-C7 in my neck. Until I get clearance to go any heavier they're all I'm using. Sometimes I toss them aside during the rows if I find myself shrugging my shoulders too much to lift the weight. Better to do the move with good form without the weight than hurt myself by using bad form with the weights.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely switch my shoes. I love my shapeups for daily stuff (i spend a lot of time on my feet/walking/chasing my boys around since they're only 4, 2, and 10 mos) because they're so cushy, but that doesn't necessarily mean I should be exercising in them. I'm done enough strength/weights stuff in the past (and I've been doing this long enough now) that I know the difference between good pain and bad pain. :) If I can figure out what's causing the bad pain and eliminate/majorly reduce it, then bring on the good pain!!! :D LOL
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    OK, if anyone is facing similar problems, today I did the following:
    - changed my shoes and wore just regular Nike's
    - switched to a harder surface (basement concrete) with a mat instead of carpet
    - did a slightly extended version of the warmup to make sure I was good and stretched

    So far so good. My ankles and knees were a lot better today than the last time I did it, and I think this I can work through now. Thanks for all the tips! :)
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