New to exercising, sore legs

Hi all, I am pretty new to exercising again (haven't in years). Started 6/1 with some walking with my toddler, then last week added in some treadmill time. I've now doe W1D1&2 of C25K. My question is, I did W1D2 yesterday, and wanted to still exercise today, thinking maybe the bike so as not to overdo it too much, but climbing the stairs at work today, I realized my legs are really sore. Is it okay to try to do the bike today, even at a slow pace, or is it better to give my legs a break? I plan to do W1D3 tomorrow because I won't have the time to work out on Friday.


  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Yes, but keep it slow and easy. It is good to losen the muscles actually but REALLY don't push. I had to balance that when I started working out (5 months ago now YAY), when sore don't push but working out can make you muscles feel better.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    That's good to know. I hadn't thought about the fact that it can warm up and loosen the muscles if I take it easy. I'll plan on bringing my book, because then I know I'll be leisurely with it.