still kinda new

73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
I have been here since May 26, 2011 and have fallen for the perfect app that everyone needs to have. Amazing friends and blogs and community sites. I am 37 about graduate college with a Double Bac in Accounting and Marketing, I am a mother of a 7 year old girl who thinks she is above me and an 8 year old son who is very active. I am not married, nor am I single... confusing I know. I and my children live as a family with their father. We have been together for 10 years and as of right now, I don't think I could ever marry..... long long very long story. I am here for me and my children. I need to losse a good bit of weight (80 pounds to be exact) and have lost 3... yah me.. Well that is me and here I am.
