New to MFP

CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
I am new to MFP and thought I would say "hi." I started my weight loss journey in March using another website and iPhone app to track calories and exercise. By making changes to what I eat (using the "Eat this, not that" and "The China Study" books for reference) and increasing my exercise, I lost 25 pounds before finding MFP. The MFP website and iPhone app are far superior to the other I was using. I am now up to 27 lb lost and in the "last 10 pounds" of reaching my target of 165.

I have always struggled with my weight, but semi-managed to keep it in check with the mandatory fitness testing and physical training regiments in the military. Over the past two years I had a couple of significant medical issues that made it nearly impossible to workout and was on medications that had substatial weight gain as side effects. To make matters worse, during those times I did not adjust my calorie intake to compensate for reduced activity and gave in to my cravings for sweets way to often. So, one day in march the scale told me that I was over 200 pounds and the tape told me that my waist had gotten up to 39 wonder my clothes didn't fit and I looked terrible in my uniform! I had to do something since I had a fitness test in late April that would only measure my waist because of my medical issues. At that size, I would fail. Long story short, I managed to pass my waist measurement and have become committed getting back to a healthy weight. My medical issues are clearing up now and I'm able to exercise. So, I'm now at 175 lb with a 33 1/2 inch waist and 15% body fat and feeling great. With MFP, I plan to get to my target weight and then use it to maintain my weight so that I don't get big again. I can't wait to take my next fitness test...I'll be able to take the full test (running, push-ups, sit-ups, waist measurement) and am going to rock it!