Soda, how I love you so

This past year I gave up soda on March 9th for lent and haven't gone back since. I'm pound of myself since I went from 1 to 2 bottles a day to none. But lately I've been craving a Diet Dr.Pepper. I know soda is one of the worse things to put into your body but if my friends drink one more bottle in front of me I'm going to snap.

Does anyone have any alternatives to drinking soda?


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Diet is better than regular lady! I might have one diet coke a week. I have not completely given up soda...If I have one I won't have another for a week or two...maybe more. I just make sure to figure it into my daily calories if I have one
  • Atomic5150
    Hi KatheryneH13,

    I'm with ya on the soda habit! Very difficult to give up...especially summer time with picnics, bbq's, etc.

    One thing I really like is the new MiO Liquid flavorings that you can add to water. The stuff is pretty good. Yes, it doesn't give you carbonation, but you can adjust the sweetness level (by adding more) and it's much better for you than soda.

    Keep up the good work!!! Remember, your body doesn't need the does NEED the water.

  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    what is it about the soda that you miss? the fizz? the caffeine? the taste? I personally am not someone that deprives myself of anything. It's all about moderation. So if you think you can have one without falling off the wagon, then you should drink one! Just make sure it doesn't lead to 2....3.....25...>LOL
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Boy do I hear you about the soda!!! Great job of giving it up.....I wish I could. I don't drink nearly what I use to but my family is harping on me to stop cold turkey. I do drink diet but they still complain. If you find something to replace it let me know. LOL

  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    what is it about the soda that you miss? the fizz? the caffeine? the taste? I personally am not someone that deprives myself of anything. It's all about moderation. So if you think you can have one without falling off the wagon, then you should drink one! Just make sure it doesn't lead to 2....3.....25...>LOL

    The taste and the fizz! If I have even 1 bottle that will turn into 25 or more haha!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    seltzer! less taste but all the fizz. and you get used to it very quickly- i used to drin ka ton of soda and now i drink a ton of seltzer- no calories, no carbs and it tastes good. I like grapefruit or peach
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    what is it about the soda that you miss? the fizz? the caffeine? the taste? I personally am not someone that deprives myself of anything. It's all about moderation. So if you think you can have one without falling off the wagon, then you should drink one! Just make sure it doesn't lead to 2....3.....25...>LOL

    The taste and the fizz! If I have even 1 bottle that will turn into 25 or more haha!

    We all have our vices honey. I am a smoker....I have quit many times. But everytime I had that "ONE" lead to buying a pack and here I am. I am proud of you for recognizing your weaknesses and avoiding the temptation.

    I used to hate water...but now I cannot get enough of it. Mostly plain, but sometimes I will throw a lemon in there or the Crystal Light and MiO drops are pretty good. I also LOVE my EAS Protein's like a little chocolate shake anytime I want one....and for only 110 calories and 17g of protein. Green Tea is also FABULOUS for reducing toxins in your body and helps to pump up your metabolism.

    Good luck with finding your new healthy option.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I drink diet soda. The weight's coming off nicely, it doesn't leave me "craving real carbs," and I enjoy it. I have 2-3 cans a day (24-36 oz), and the other 60+ oz of liquid I drink a day are purely water. No coffee, no juices, just water. I feel good, better every day. If you feel diet soda is bad for you, then my only advice is don't drink it. Try bottled carbonated water with lemon juice or some similar replacement. But I'm good with a couple diet sodas a day, and it certainly isn't bad for my diet. Even Mayo Clinic and the ADA (I'm diabetic) are okay with my diet sodas.

  • osmoticferocity
    Oh man, Diet Dr. Pepper is the best. I have a similar problem. I always want to drink three cans instead of one!

    Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners have side effects but you should be fine if you only drink it in moderation.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Giving up soda all together is the best. If you can't, go to diet.

    I used to drink diet soda until I found out the sodium content can keep you from loosing wieght. Also my orthopedic surgeon told me that the phosphoric acid in the dark soda pulls the calcium out of your bones. So now I look at soda as the enemy. It helps!
  • cocoeubanks
    Diet Mountain Dew is the nectar of the gods, and will probably kill me one day. Sometimes, though, that one can of soda keeps me from going on an all-out sugar binge. It's just enough to curb the craving, and let's face it; bubbles and fizz are fun!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    San Pellegrino with lemon or lime gets me thru. Or Izze sparkling fruit drinks. I say, don't cave. You can find an alternative, and you will feel MUCH better about NOT caving afterwards! :) You've come so far! I've been soda clean for a little over a month now.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Diet soda is fine and safe. It won't hinder your weight loss nor kill you. The alarmism surrounding it is crazy.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Seltzer is definitely the way to go! It comes in so many different flavors and you can do so many fin fruity drinks with it!
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    I drink diet soda regularly.( along with my water ) I dont know if its bad for me or not but at least its 0 calories!