Eating before bed

katybecker Posts: 18
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I've read that you should stop eating about 2-3 hrs before bed. I've also read that eating a bowl of cereal right before bed may help you get a more restful nights sleep. Anyone know if this is true? I usually don't eat dinner until about 8 pm then I go to bed at 10:30. Should I be eating dinner earlier?


  • I think thats fine because your not eating to late and you have a few hours in between of your eating and sleeping
  • i hear milk can give you crazy dreams.. that could be untrue though.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I eat before bed every night. I always make sure I have numbers left in my goals because I am a night eater. It has not hurt my weight loss..
  • kristie778
    kristie778 Posts: 51
    I think it's fine - the idea that food is turned to fat if you eat after a certain time (such as 7pm or 8pm) is a myth. Although it's probably a good idea not to eat a heavy meal before bed, or to eat TOO close to bedtime, but if you're hungry, you should probably have a light snack with a little protein and complex carbs.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I don't pay any attention to the time of day that I eat. I find if I go to bed on an empty stomach, I end up waking up in the middle of the night starving (mostly on days where I've run). As such, I may have a small snack about an hour before I go to bed (usually 1 oz of nuts or something). If I don't, I end up making poor choices when I'm stumbling to the kitchen at 3am.

    This is just my experience though.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I think it's fine - the idea that food is turned to fat if you eat after a certain time (such as 7pm or 8pm) is a myth.

    Actually, that's not a myth. It's been proven over and over again that when your body is sleeping, your metabolism slows to a near stop, and your body's digestive system is at rest as well, not working nearly as hard as when you are awake. You should definitely not be eating close to bedtime as it does take that food longer to metabolize in your system. Give yourself 2-3 hours at least.
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    I would think it would be ok as long as you don't have a big heavy meal. As far as the cereal, it works for my husband. If he has cereal or drinks a glass of milk, he can go right to sleep.
  • I sleep much better if I have some pb or an apple close to bedtime. I budget my calories to do this. If I don't have my snack I tend to wake up frequently and nosh on chips or something evil like that :embarassed:
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    I just got and have started to read the book from Chelsea Handler's trainer, the Venice Nutrition guy, and he actually says to eat a meal within 1 hour of waking and within 1 hour of going to sleep...hungry or not! This totally is against everything that I had ever heard! Curious about feedback!
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    From my personal experience, I eat when I'm hungry, and keep my calories at or under my goal. I find I'm always hungry between dinner (at 6:00pm) and bed (at 9:30pm), so I have a bowl of high fiber cereal at around 7:30. Keeps me from going to bed starving, and gets in my last bit of calcium and fiber for the day.

    A calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it!
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    I advocate a late (ish) night snack simply because I think that there should be 4-5 hours of no eating between meals (that grazing stuff never really panned out), and that leaves a huge gaping hole between dinner and breakfast. Obviously, this is of particular import for those with diabetes, most especially if they are using antihyperglycemics. Most sleep study research shows a negative impact from a large meal right before sleep, but there is some benefit to small snacks.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I think it's fine - the idea that food is turned to fat if you eat after a certain time (such as 7pm or 8pm) is a myth.

    Actually, that's not a myth. It's been proven over and over again that when your body is sleeping, your metabolism slows to a near stop, and your body's digestive system is at rest as well, not working nearly as hard as when you are awake. You should definitely not be eating close to bedtime as it does take that food longer to metabolize in your system. Give yourself 2-3 hours at least.

    Sorry....gotta disagree with you. Here's a good article that explains it, from a doctor.

    Having said that, this is the internet, and I'm pretty sure we can all find someone out there to support our point of view! LOL

  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Timing of calorie intake is far less important than meeting your daily requirements/goals. Eat when it works best for you!
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    Doctors don't know everything ! Your metabolism slows all the way down when your body is resting, so giving yourself at least 3 hrs before bed. Plus, you sleep better when your belly is not full of undigested food
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    While I am not going to get into any arguments about if it is 'right' or not, I used to think that it would cause me to gain weight. However, I also have a hard time sleeping and have found within the last couple weeks that if I eat a bowl of quick oat oatmeal with some sugar free maple syrup before I go to bed, I sleep much better and it does not affect my weight at all. I just make sure that I have the calories free to eat it every day.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member

    What this thread is full of.
  • katybecker
    katybecker Posts: 18
    Bro Science lol, thats funny :laugh:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I know I am in the minority here, but I don't eat within usually 4 hours of bedtime. If I do, I don't post losses on the scale. I front load my calories - eating about 400 at bf, 350 @ lunch, then the rest spread out among a super small dinner and two snacks (usually fruit).

    If I "mess up" and eat past 6pm, I won't lose the next day. Period. It sucks, but I am learning to work with it the best I can.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I think it's per person....I ALWAYS eat 5 cups of air popped popcorn an hour before bed with or without olive oil and I have lost over 100 pounds...but some people gain?? try it and if you lose great ............
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I eat in bed!
    After I make my bed I throw a protien bar, which tastes like candy to me, at my pillow. I nibble on it when I go to bed, and about 3 or 4 times throughout the night when I wake up. I don't know if it's a good idea or not. I like doing it and I'm averaging over 2 pounds a week so I'm not going to stop.
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