Calling all ladies who lift!!



  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, I am a ChaLEAN grad and it made me realize I love lifting. And I LOVE lifting super heavy! I just want more and more options and bigger and better muscles! :D I also want to learn more about the science behind strength training for women and how to best sculpt our bodies!

    I typically lift MWF. I do cardio on Tues & Thurs & Sat, although sometimes I just have to be flexible and move things around w/ two young children. My lifting sessions are typically 40m and I only lift every other day and try to only train one area each week. I aim for one or two intense cardio sessions per week as of recent, which is usually running or TurboFire, sprints, plyo or HIIT.

    I do eat a lot of protein. No real issues there.

    Thanks for the book req... just added that to my cart on Amazon!!!

    Friends w/ Stephanie Lynn... isn't she AMAZING?!?! Love her inspiration! I need to go back and read her blog on weight training.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I lift - Only get time to go gym twice a week for it, I do p90x on the other days.

    Its usually, Mondays: Chest shoulders & legs, Thursday: Chest shoulders & back. I mostly just do biceps, triceps and abs with p90x but do them on occasion in the gym.
    I'm hoping soon I can go 3-4 times a week, and split the different muscle groups a bit better + add bis/tri's, (I would prefer to do chest and shoulders on different days but if I don't train them twice a week I don't improve :ohwell: )
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I was doing 4-5 days of lifting a week like this

    chest and biceps
    shoulders and triceps

    I don't do more than 2 days of upper in a row, and my trainer told me to do abs at least 4 times a week. I must say, by completing the abs 4 times a week it made a huge difference quickly, especially the seated ab crunch machine. I just received a new program today from the owner of the gym, it is a different split, with 2 days off, but ı don't remember exactly the break down, just that legs has its own day again, and ı will do calves twice, and maybe biceps twice a week.
    I am sure I read that abs are a much denser muscle group, so they recover quickly and can be worked anywhere up to 6 times a week, but I think 6 times is a bit extreme :)

    Check out there are lots of good articles and info on there, simplyshredded is another good site.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    And headed off to too!

    I use to have amazing abs. LOL! Post two children now and um... they need a lot of work! It used to be my hottest feature in my 20's and now they're not bad, but they're not really public-ready either. I, too, have heard you can train your abs often, b/c they re-cover so quickly, but I usually don't get to them more than 2x per week. I should do them more!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    My gym routine is at least 5 days a week. I usually warm up with the elliptical, then do my weight training, ab work, then end my workout with a run.

    With my weight training I only work one to 2 muscle groups per day and do 3-4 exercise per part. My weight routines are broken out as follows:

    chest and triceps
    back and biceps

    *(on leg days I don't run but instead do my cardio on the bike, elliptical or a brisk walk) is an excellent resource on exercises to do for each body part. Some even have demonstration videos to show you proper technique. Remember muscle burns more than fat, so it is good to have some muscle!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    3x per week compound lifts - following the New Rules of Lifting Program but modifying it a bit to incorporate 5x5 (5 sets of 5 reps) setup on squats, deadlifts, bench press.

    So for example, today, my lifts looked like this:

    Barbell Squat, 5x5
    Bench Press, 5x5
    Leg Press, 5x5
    Seated cable row, 3x8
    Push-up, 3x8
    Dumbbell step up, 3x8
    Jack-knife sit up, 3x15

    A key lifting program needs to incorporate squats, deadlifts, rows, and bench press.

    Stronglifts 5x5 is another good (and very simple to follow) option. After NROL, I'll probably do SL 5X5.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I do mine in 4-day splits:

    Day 1: Chest & Triceps (each set consists of 2 warm-up sets of 12 reps and then 2 'working sets' of 10 reps) - 4 exercises for Larger muscles and 3 for smaller (since you work them in other exercises).
    Day 2: Back and Biceps (same concept)
    Day 3: Shoulders
    Day 4: Legs

    I do cardio when I feel like it - I don't schedule it :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I do back/chest, shoulders/arms, and legs. Abs all days. each one twice a week
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I love lifting!! I do it 3-4 times a week. Usually like this:

    Monday- Bi's Tri's and Abs

    Tuesday- Legs and Shoulders

    Wednesdays- Chest, Back and Abs

    Thursdays...Either Bi's and Tri's again (I love my arms) or Just straight Abs.

    I also do about 20 minutes (sometimes more/less) of cardio 5 days a week.

    LMAO, I love the way my muscles pop after I work out, so yes...I have been known to do some pushups or biceps curls before a date =)

    Overworking your muscles. Try to stick to 1 body part a week. Trust me on this....yes their is tons of sited proof to my statement as well.

    This is so wrong. What about all of the athletes that train for sports multiple times per week? I also do full body strength routines 3x per week (and squat below parallel each day) and continue to make strength gains. Look at all of the professional coaches (Mark Ripptoe, Bill Starr, Glenn Pendlay, etc..) that train their athletes in the same manner. Glenn Pendlay himself has produced numerous Olympic gold medalists and Bill Starr was the former strength and conditioning coach for the Colts. The only pseudo-sport that follows the “1 muscle per week” approach is bodybuilding.

    I would recommend that you look into all of the following strength programs (not BB programs) that have excellent results and all train the same muscle groups three times per week.

    Starting Strength (beginner)
    StrongLifts 5x5 (beginner)
    Madcow 5x5 (intermediate)
    Texas Method (intermediate)
    Strong Lifts Advanced (advanced)
    Starr/Pendlay 5x5 (advanced)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    3x per week compound lifts - following the New Rules of Lifting Program but modifying it a bit to incorporate 5x5 (5 sets of 5 reps) setup on squats, deadlifts, bench press.

    So for example, today, my lifts looked like this:

    Barbell Squat, 5x5
    Bench Press, 5x5
    Leg Press, 5x5
    Seated cable row, 3x8
    Push-up, 3x8
    Dumbbell step up, 3x8
    Jack-knife sit up, 3x15

    A key lifting program needs to incorporate squats, deadlifts, rows, and bench press.

    Stronglifts 5x5 is another good (and very simple to follow) option. After NROL, I'll probably do SL 5X5.

    I highly recommend StrongLifts 5x5. It is the program I used to hit the lift number in my signature. I have since moved onto Madcow 5x5. StrongLifts or Starting Strength are great beginner programs that will build real functional strength. What I have read about NROL, it looks like a good starting point as well.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Wow, StrongLifts is really intriguing and how I already enjoy lifting... heavy weights/low reps. So.... I lift at home. Looking at this program it appears I'd need a bench and bar w/ stackable weights. That I don't have... yet.

    And this sounds like a great program for guys, so I'm sure my husband will love this too.

    Sigh... I want my dream home gym now. :D
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Wow, StrongLifts is really intriguing and how I already enjoy lifting... heavy weights/low reps. So.... I lift at home. Looking at this program it appears I'd need a bench and bar w/ stackable weights. That I don't have... yet.

    And this sounds like a great program for guys, so I'm sure my husband will love this too.

    Sigh... I want my dream home gym now. :D

    Ditto on the dream home gym. I have a gym at work that I use but have priced out a home gym with enough weight to progress past my current lifts. At the weight that I am lifting it would cost about $2k, give or take, but for starting out you could do it for under $1k. A rack, weights, bench and bar are really all you need.

    The program is marketed towards men, but it works for women too. My wife has done it, and there are others within the SL community that have had great results.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    I love lifting!! I do it 3-4 times a week. Usually like this:

    Monday- Bi's Tri's and Abs

    Tuesday- Legs and Shoulders

    Wednesdays- Chest, Back and Abs

    Thursdays...Either Bi's and Tri's again (I love my arms) or Just straight Abs.

    I also do about 20 minutes (sometimes more/less) of cardio 5 days a week.

    LMAO, I love the way my muscles pop after I work out, so yes...I have been known to do some pushups or biceps curls before a date =)

    Overworking your muscles. Try to stick to 1 body part a week. Trust me on this....yes their is tons of sited proof to my statement as well.

    This is so wrong. What about all of the athletes that train for sports multiple times per week? I also do full body strength routines 3x per week (and squat below parallel each day) and continue to make strength gains. Look at all of the professional coaches (Mark Ripptoe, Bill Starr, Glenn Pendlay, etc..) that train their athletes in the same manner. Glenn Pendlay himself has produced numerous Olympic gold medalists and Bill Starr was the former strength and conditioning coach for the Colts. The only pseudo-sport that follows the “1 muscle per week” approach is bodybuilding.

    I would recommend that you look into all of the following strength programs (not BB programs) that have excellent results and all train the same muscle groups three times per week.

    Starting Strength (beginner)
    StrongLifts 5x5 (beginner)
    Madcow 5x5 (intermediate)
    Texas Method (intermediate)
    Strong Lifts Advanced (advanced)
    Starr/Pendlay 5x5 (advanced)

    Thank you! lol. I knew that didn't sound I would work my biceps for one week...?? Then Legs the next week..?? LOL, Id NEVER see results!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I am also doing ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm now in the Lean phase, which I must say I am NOT enjoying so far! The exercises are combining upper and lower body, and with all of the balancing involved, I don't feel like I'm getting that much of a workout. The Push phase, however, was amazing.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I concur on stronglifts as I have been doing it for about 3 months. As for the home gym, I have these suggestions:

    1. check out craigslist or other local ads. There are always people getting rid of weights and equipment for really cheap. All you need is a bench and power rack with olympic weights.
    2. You may get lucky and find a power rack, but it may take some time. If you (or your hubby) have any sort of skill with tools, you could easily build a wooden power rack for less than $100. Check out this link:
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    I love all of this information! I've got lots of research to do. I currently am doing P90X and I love lifting which was a complete surprise to me. I've always been a runner and didn't want to give up any of my weekly mileage to take time to life, but what a difference it's made. I love my "strongs"!
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
    I lift (and have done so for 10+ years). I change it up every 3 months, because I get bored and the weather changes. Right now I'm in the middle of bikini season here in So. Cal. so I am following my most effective body-fat reduction workout via The Body Sculpting Bible For Women (all muscles 3 days per week). In the Fall, I'll switch to a Bicep/Tricep/Shoulder Monday, Back/Chest Wednesday and Legs Friday workout. I usually take off January through March and then in the Spring I go back to Back/Bicep Monday, Leg Wednesday and Chest/Tricep/Shoulder Friday.
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