New to the MFP community

Hi everyone!

I've been using MFP for two weeks now, but I'm just getting started with the community. It's a great resource, and I'm looking forward to getting involved.

I lost 60 lbs four years ago using WW and have stayed around 155 since. I always meant to get down to 145, but I started a new job/new relationship/moved and my plan fell by the wayside. I want to lose the last ten pounds (or more, we'll see how I feel when I get there), but my primary goal is general fitness. I lost the 60 lbs mostly with walking and diet, and that's just not enough anymore. My whole family is overweight, and it's starting to take a toll on their health, my mother's especially: knee problems, high cholesterol, borderline diabetic. I owe it to myself and my future husband (I'm getting married in a few weeks) to take care of myself. Even if I'm never overweight again, I want cardiovascular health and strength.

My biggest problem right now is making my calories "count," i.e., eating filling, nutrition-dense foods rather than calories that taste good but are high in carbs and sugar (I have a wicked sweet tooth). I love to cook - it's the snacking that kills me. So, I'll be checking out the recipe section a lot.

So, in summary, hello!