Got a HRM, but I have a question.

Fairwyn Posts: 14 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I got my HRM in earlier today. It's a Polar FT7. I went home at lunch to go ahead and put the chest strap on and get some casual readings as I was curious what just my daily activity burns.

I'm a programmer, so it's just a desk job. I did some spreadsheet calculations over an hour and got an average HRM of 90 and an average calorie burn of 2.6/minute. I watched the HRM for 1 minute at intervals after that just to make sure, and the numbers are consistent.

2.6/minute is 156/hour or 3744/day (24-hour)

My question is... isn't that a lot? Like a whole lot? Is my HRM wrong? I'm 224lbs 4'11" and 28yrs old. Currently only set to eat ~1500 calories.


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    That HRM is not meant to calculate calories burned during regular activities, they make special HRM's for that, such as body bugg. Your HRM is meant to more accurately count calories during aerobic exercise, cardio.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    They are not very accurate for calculating a whole days burn.
    Especially when your HR gets low.
  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    HRMs don't work like that, you need a body bug for daily activity burn. HRM's are only accurate when your HR is elevated into the training zones, as HR is only one portion of the equation embedded in the watch. Other portions of the equation take into account you working out, if you are not moving much calories burned will be over estimated. HRMs also notoriously overestimate cals burned during strength training as it assumes you are working out the whole time. They are designed to give you an accurate reading when doing cardio type exercise, but can give you a rough estimate for anaerobic activity.
  • Fairwyn
    Fairwyn Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone! That's exactly what I needed to know.
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