Need Advice...

Can you all take a look at my diary and tell me what I am doing wrong? I'm only 2 weeks into this change of diet and I already feel like I've hit a wall. I'm stalled out...haven't lost anything since last week. Grr...


  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I'd start tracking your sodium and your sugar. Just looking at the foods you're eating, I'd bet you're way over on both.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Your diary looks good so far!! I've heard that upping your calories a bit will get you over a plateau. Also, switching your work outs every week will help too! Good luck :)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    For the most part, your food diary looks pretty good. My only words of advice in this situation is to keep doing what you are doing! Stalling out for a week is nothing to worry about. It could be your time of the month (TOM), water retention from too much sodium, stress, etc. I gain a little even when I'm ovulating. I've also been fighting the same 2 pounds over and over for 3 months. Just don't give up and let this get you down. You are doing a great job so far!!!
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Are you measuring too? You might be losing inches instead of pounds. If you're working out, muscles weigh a lot more than fat, but take up less space (and they burn calories all the time! They're awesome!). You're doing fantastic. Dont set your expectations too high for losing weight every week. This is a lifestyle change. Your diary looks GREAT. Sometimes if you lose too quickly, you can gain it back just as quick. Chin up! Look to us for encouragement to get through those walls you hit!