Need breakfast ideas!

Need yummy, healthy breakfast ideas! Not into dairy either, so any suggestions would be appreciated!


  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    One my favorite breakfast and snack foods of all time...............

    Multi-grain waffle with one tablespoon of peanut butter and a sliced banana! YUMMY! And so filling.

  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    With the warmer weather, I've been eating fruit for breakfast pretty regularly.
    I like to slice up an apple and sprinkle it with cinnamon and bake it in the oven..
    I know they say that if you're going to have carbs (fruit has a lot of them it seems) that you should pair with a protein, so I've been having fruit with a handful (15-20) of almonds.

    I know you said no dairy (I'm not a fan of it either..actually I'm not supposed to even have it)..but recently I've been eating yogurt with blueberries and some cinnamon sprinkled on top, it tastes like a delicious dessert!!

    A serving of peanut butter on whole wheat toast with a sliced banana on top ...

    These are just some of my favorites. Like I said, the past few weeks has been all about fruit and nuts. Today I sliced up watermelon and threw in some blueberries and ate my almonds on the way to work. Its fast, can be prepared ahead of time..and its healthy!