Need Support

Okay. I just got told by the school I work for that I won't be the cross country coach next year. I'm sure it is because I'm overweight and out of shape at the current moment.

I started working out on the elliptical last week. Today was my first 3.1 mile run outside in forever. It kicked my butt.

I want to run a half marathon in September and a marathon in October and show the school that they were wrong not to make me coach.

I also want to do this to get back down to my weight I was before I got married. We have a new baby and I want to be able to keep up with her in the next couple of years, as well as show her that exercise and running can be as fun as video games and computers.

I need people to help me train, keep me in check and keep me logging my food and exercise. PLEASE HELP!!!


  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Welcome! You will find lots of motivation and new information on this site. Feel free to add me. I find the more motivation the better.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Awesome site to pick. The more involved I make myself, the more I find myself improving and wanting to keep with MFP.

    My involvement in this site also makes me feel a severe pain of guilt when I cheat