JM banish Fat Boost Metabolism video

anyone do this video? I was looking for some more of hers, I'm currently doing the 30 DS. I'm on day 15. had to rest a few days in here because I have been struggling with tendonitis in my elbow and agrivated it doing something else. not the DS. I bought the banish video and plan to do it between and after the shred. any opinions on it?


  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I have this and actually did it last night and will do it again tonight. It's pretty intense, more so than 30DS! You only use your body weight. There's lots of cardio, some kickboxing moves...a little bit of everything. Last night was the first time I ever did all the exercises. If you find that some of the exercises are uncomfortable...just fast forward to the next one. The video from start to finish is about 55 minutes if you don't do EVERY workout, you will still get a good workout in!

    Another video I like is Biggest Loser's Last Chance Workout!

    Good luck!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Oh and another resource is There is a whole list of free videos. There is a cardio one I may try tonight if I change my mind about JM BFBM.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I like it.. I agree with Jenn728 its pretty intense and I also love doing the last chance workout. I actually like these 2 workouts better than the 30DS :bigsmile:
  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    Done it several times and loved it! It's very intended and fun. I end up sweating the most after doing this compare to other on demand exercises.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It is very intense-my face is beet red and I'm a sweaty mess when I'm done! It has kickboxing, some core work, pylometrics. Def a big calorie burner!