gmann1973 Posts: 247
edited September 28 in Success Stories
8 years ago, I fell about 20 ft. My leg went thru the rungs of ladder basically tearing my leg in 2 at the knee. Knee was torn so bad they had to use donner tissue try to fix it. My body rejected it. I laid in a bed not able to stand on my own for over 6 months. They had me on so much morphine I honestly cant even tell you waht happened during that time. I have had evey thing but a total knee repaclment(drs say I am too young) I have had 5 more surgeries since the first, the last was a little over 3 years ago. I was told that I would only have about 35 to 45 % use of my leg ever again. I cryed. I felt like half a man. I am a single dad and my son lives with me full time. I had already lost so much with him. I had already become over weight from inactivity. It wasn't fair. I was not going out like that, I was not giving up. I started walking every day, as much as my leg would let me. I was emberssed about how I looked, I couldnt go to a gym, so I bought me some free weights. Every day I did a little more, every day I grew alittle stronger. I still have never steped foot into a real gym, but today the boy they told would be less than 50% box squated 400 lbs. (max bench 320) All I am saying is this " no man tell you what you can or cant do." The way I see it is sometimes you might be the underdog, someone might say theres no way not you thats when YOU GOT TO TELL YOURSELF I GOT THIS!!!!!!! I hope you all get where I am coming from. This is a great site and so many of you have helped me, I felt it was my turn to tell my story and hopefully return what you all have given me . Thanks for listing


  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    Wow that was so motivational. Thank I really needed that!!!
  • SummerLuvR
    SummerLuvR Posts: 90
    Thanks for sharing!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Truly inspiring! And Congrats on being 100%+
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Great determination and not letting anyone tell you that YOU CAN"T. You look Fab and Congrats just doesn't say enough My Friend!

    I too have a serious knee injury and arthitis but I keep walking and doing exercises 6 days a week. It hurts but it would be worse if I did nothing!

  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    What an incredible story! Thank you for sharing it. You have done amazing!
    You should be extremely proud of yourself! xx
  • jenjenlv
    jenjenlv Posts: 42
    Love your determination!! Your son is lucky to have you!! Thank you for sharing!! :)
  • Mekob25
    Mekob25 Posts: 88 Member
    Very inspirational, thanks for sharing your story.

    I agree with you, sometimes you have to talk to yourself and tell your body whats what!! Here are some of my daily pep talks: "Yes, you CAN do this!" "You've had enough to eat. You don't need anymore." You ARE NOT skipping workout today!" LOL
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Wow, Thanks for sharing and good luck with everything.
  • jamiefire7
    jamiefire7 Posts: 50
    Wow!! Congrats to you! Awesome story
  • Wow.. Well done on your achievements. It's good to see how one person can overcome adversity through their own self belief and determination!!
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Wow, amazing!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Yours is a truly beautiful story. You are also a great role-model for your son. You faced a fork in the road and you chose the painful, most difficult one because it was the way to mobility and health. Congratulations!

  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    WOW! Great sory. Im glad u shared that with us. There will always be someone out there to tell u "NO you Cant" and you just have to say "YES i CAN"....Im glad u bounced back. You RocK!
  • Jade1964
    Jade1964 Posts: 111 Member
    Wow, that is truly an inspiring story. I would like to share a story of my own if you don't mind.....

    In 1987 I was in a 3 wheeler accident, I was drunk and hit a tree head on without a helmet. My foot got caught between the tree and the one pedal on the 3 wheeler. it crushed my foot and broke every bone in my foot and one of the bones sticks up and down in my foot. I had 3 surgeries and I was told I would never walk again. I left the hospital in a wheelchair. Well I walk just fine today and played softball for years after that along with anything else I ever wanted to do. it was a lot of rehab and hard work but I walk perfectly fine now. I also broke my back, my collarbone, had head injuries and a various assortment of internal injuries.
  • Sociallysavvyva
    Sociallysavvyva Posts: 14 Member
    Great story! It's truly inspirational to hear that and know how far you have come. You are doing INSANITY! What, yes, you got this and don't let anyone ever tell you differently.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Wow!! Awesome job!. Thank you for sharing your story!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Inspiring story!!! You son is one lucky kid!!!! Imagine the things he has learned, without you even speaking a word.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    TALK ABOUT MOTIVATION! You are quite an inspiration, my friend! Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on your success thus far! I know your son is so proud of you!! Prove those doctors wrong! YOU DO GOT THIS!!!! Thank you for sharing your story!
  • AntoinetteC
    AntoinetteC Posts: 90 Member
    Wow, you're right you "got this", i am proud of you with your determination. I truly believe that anything can be done if you want it bad enough. While you were running and walking and getting back on track it was GOD cheering you on and HE carried you to the finish line!!!! Keep up the good work.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    YOU ROCK! Thanks you for sharing, to say this was inspirational would be a total understatement - awesome job!!! :bigsmile:
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