Calling all pear shaped!



  • paperbagprincess
    Wow. Your 5'7" and 130? And you wanna lose? I'm the same height and when I weighed about 132 ppl were telling me I looked too thin. I was about a size 4 and the guys called me 'mini' lol. I'm pear shaped as well... minus the *kitten* :( so maybe that's where the difference lies. I would say it depends on what ur lower half looks like now. If ur already super toned more cardio should help... if not then try toning up more to tighten up and eventually make ur legs and bum smaller.

    That's what I would do. And then talk to a trainer that has the same body type, or has worked on ppl with ur body type and successfully gotten them to a similar goal.

    Good luck :)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    We have practically the same measurements and problems! lol
    I have a 25.5" waist and 36" hips with 22" thighs at just under 5'7"... I feel like I'm a pear as I have chunky calves, ankles and thighs but my shoulders give me a hint of hour glass as they're 36" and balance out my hips so maybe you have the same thing going on? I'd love to tone and slim my thighs, even just another inch or so! But I'm finding it difficult!

    I spent months doing strength training and running with no inch loss, they look more toned but I'm still not happy! May have to invest in some pilates DVDs though! I also tried to bulk my upper half, I have really weedy arms and hoped that lots of lifting would gain me an inch or two on my shoulders and biceps... Didn't work! Lost and inch on each arm and went from 9.5 to 8.5"! Im so out of proportion! Lol
    I know you can't spot reduce but when you have no fat on your upper half to lose, surely it's time to go from your thighs!?