Exhausted, Stressed and Burnt out!

I can't believe I've barely lost anything for three months. On top of my lack of motivation and TIME, there's a whole ton of stuff going on that's stressing me out like mad! The primary thing being that my husband, who already works about 60% afternoon shifts, has a big change at work coming up in July, which will put him at about 90% afternoon shifts. He'll have about 3 or 4 day shifts a month, and other than his days off, he works till 11pm. I feel like a single Mom already as it is! KUDOS to all you REAL single Moms out there! I don't know how you do it. I'm getting a cold - likely due to not exercising as much and being under a lot of stress, and tonight the kids were pushing my buttons like mad! I'm so tired, I'm behind on laundry, the house is a mess, My gardens need weeding and when I get the kids to bed, it's all I can do to not get in my own bed and crash! I can't give up, I know I have about 35-40 lbs to go. (I've lost 40 to date)
If I was going to quit this time around I wouldn't be writing this note. I would just unsubscribe from MFP and say screw it.....but I know eventually....somehow....I'll get back on track. For now, I just needed to vent


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    Vent away........I know it does me good to let loose once in a while!

    Take a few deep breaths. My motto at work (which can be pretty stressful) is "one paper at a time". I've started to apply this to my home life as well. One thing, one step at a time.

    Hang in there!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Sounds like a perfect time to teach kids cleaning and garden in a fun way so everyone can stay active and you can get some much needed help. Hang in there, you will get through this.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I feel like I can relate so much right now. Today has been the most stressful day ever - my partner at school never showed up, so I was forced to 2x the workload than normal, and critisized all day for "slacking" since I wasn't all done an hour before the day was over. I had to run to catch buses, then when I finally made it to an appointment, I was sent away since I didn't have the right documentation. I took another bus home and biked back, then had to wait almost half an hour, since others had gotten in line before me. Had to wait in a medical lab for over half an hour with an upset baby just to get weekly blood drawn while I waited for the nurse to finish telling her coworker about stuff with her boyfriend. I kept dropping my keys and banging my knee on just about anything.

    Whew, that did feel good! I'm ready to just crash and kick life out of my apartment until morning.

    That's super tough with your husband, but it sounds like you have a great handle on things, even if they're stressful and shakey. You've made some amazing progress, and you'll break this plateau soon enough!