NSV - Warning - Don't Drink and Shop for Food

Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
This morning I want to share a bit of advice - "don't drink and shop".....

Last night after my lovely dinner and 4 glasses of wine I ventured into the supermarket as I had run out of my staples needed to eat healthy today.....

Went to my local store - not the one I normally go to every week, and somehow ended up in the chocolate aisle!!
Spent the next 15 minutes reading the nutritional information on the back of just about every slab - as if a miracle would occur, and I would find one with 20 calories for 50 g........

I proceeded to the checkout with 3 frigging slabs of chocolate in my basket!! Luckily somewhere in the alcohol fueled haze some sanity prevailed, and I took the bars back to their rightfully place on the shelves - and instead I treated myself to some gorgeous plump cherries imported from the sunny US of A - cost me $5 for a cupful, but they were so gorgeous - worth every cent...... so a bit of a NSV....

So just thought I would warn you all - if you had a bit to drink stay away from shopping for food - and especially the chocolate aisle!!

I also realised that after 9 months of very limited alcohol consumption 4 glasses affects me a hell of a lot more than it used to (might also be beacuse there is 85lbs less of me to absorb the alcohol)


  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Great story! I love that sanity prevailed - you are on the right course - even while tipsy! Good job on your weight loss so far too.
  • elizwelshman
    elizwelshman Posts: 136
    Hahaha, definitely some good advice!!
    I always have a snack before I go food shopping because for some odd reason if I go hungry, I swear my brain goes into lazy mode and I buy all processed foods. Shame shame on me. I then have to find ways to doctor the foods up to make them healthier, which isn't such a big deal... but I prefer to be my own personal gourmet chef and cook healthy.
    Who Knows what I would be buying if I had a couple of drinks though!!! LOL:laugh:
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Haha I know that feeling all too well! I don't drink a lot but I went out to a bar with my coworkers the other night and we ended up ordering nachos. Ugh! It WAS a lot of fun, though, so I can't say that I regret it.
  • MommyLumpkin
    MommyLumpkin Posts: 129
    Noted! I had a bit too much myself last night, but luckily didn't pass any all night stores on my way home. I'm in the same boat too with my tolerance level. Less drinking and less weight=alcoholic light weight and, I'm not sure about you, but for me, icky hangover, in the morning.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    That's great you stopped yourself! WTG
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