I need some suggestions

kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
edited September 28 in Recipes
I leave on vacation Friday for week with three other families. We'll be in a fully furnished rental house at a lake with a well equipped kitchen and a gas grill. The challenge for me is that in all 4 families there is at least one person who loves to cook. So we tend to eat like kings for breakfast and again in the evenings after we get off the lake. Typically we seem to try to outdo each other. I have always enjoyed this friendly competition because it means that not only do I get to cook for an appreciative group but that I also get fed by some pretty darned good cooks.

We rotate cooking duties daily, so I will need to cook not only for myself (healthy and light) but for 12 other people with big appetites. We're talking about a total of 8 adults and 5 kids. I just hope I can provide them meals that they will enjoy (and I can eat) and that they serve something that I can participate in. I am determined to not stray too far from my goals during this week...though I may loosen up and drink some (after all, it is a vacation).

For the past 4 1/2 months, I have tended to stay in the 1200-1400 calories a day range. These folks will have been used to eating that or double that in a meal.

Menu suggestions?


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Typically we seem to try to outdo each other. I have always enjoyed this friendly competition because it means that not only do I get to cook for an appreciative group but that I also get fed by some pretty darned good cooks.

    Introduce a new challenge to your group. Who can make the best meal at 500 calories or less per plate? It is amazing what people can come up with when they put their minds to it!!!

    Edited to say 500 calories not 1,500 per plate. Oops. :)
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Sounds like you could use a big bowl of salad. Eat that with whatever meat they grill and you should at least be able to stay under cals. If they are your friends - they've noticed the weight loss and hopefully will be supportive.

    According to your ticker you are so close to your goal - you may want to bump your calories to maintenance level for vacation.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    Yes, I am close to goal #1. Then there will be another 25 or so to go after that. I wanted to do a little over 100, so I set my goal at 80. I thought that would be a good point to re-evaluate and re-strategize if necessary.

    Salads will be a big part of every meal (as they are now). I probably won't want to influence what they cook too much, but having a salad daily will provide me with a "safe" alternative.

    I guess where I am pressuring myself is what to cook on my nights in the kitchen. Those are the nights that I want to make sure that I can participate fully, while at the same time offering the non dieting guests something they are comfortable with.

    And, yes, they have noticed and are supportive. 75 pounds in 4 1/2 months is hard to hide! :) It's very satisfying to have their support, but I do want to make sure that I feed them well without them feeling like I have forced them into eating under my rules. I don't know if I am explaining that well, but you probably get it.

    So far, I am contemplating roasting a turkey and offering a variety of sides. Since we'll be at a lake, fresh fish may be a good choice (though it may not be something everyone enjoys). Maybe a taco night with a variety of fillings, like sliced chicken and ground turkey, in addition to the traditional ground beef?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Kabobs are always good too. Chicken, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, etc. I love asparagus on the grill too!
  • CBKMom
    CBKMom Posts: 59 Member
    Grilled chicken or salmon are always a hit, also grilled veggies in foil or in a grill basket.

    I toss an onion, some artichoke hearts and a couple chunked up summer squash in a tad of EVOO and some Italian seasonings, toss in a grill basket and they are an amazing side.

    Just think healthy at the base.... whole wheat if you make pasta, fresh veggies in large amounts, less oil and lean meats. it is a vacation, but you can always have great options.
  • for the kids you can do nitrate free whole beef Oscar Myer hotdogs, grill some veggies and make fruit kabobs with low fat yogurt dipping sauce. For the adults you can do a giant cesar salad, grilled chicken or fish and the fruit kabobs.

    Anther night can be make your own pizzas use whole wheat dough, light pizza sauce tons of fresh veggies and different lean meats. Pair with a salad and that is a good meal. Dessert you can make sugar free frozen pudding pops.

    You should have a cheat night of course and on the lake all day will burn calories so with that in mind pick something you really like that is decadant and make that.

    Remember one its your vacation so you shouldn't spend it counting calories and two lots of high fat things can be substituted.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Anything that people can "build" themselves is always a good option under these circumstances. Taco Salad, kabobs, etc. That way you can make yours lean and if the others want to load up, they can.

    Same with breakfast. Pancakes with any number of toppings to choose from. I eat waffles every morning with fat free cool whip instead of syrup. Or you be the cook and let everyone choose what items they would like inside an omelet. Everyone can choose the number of eggs and their own fillings ... and you could even offer salsa or chili for the top.

    I have a lasagna recipe that I modified from my former favortie fatty one and it is very filling, less than 400 cal per serving and so tasty my kids told me they want me to make this new version from now on. That with bread (where everyone can choose weather to put butter/garlic butter or not) and a salad ... voila!

    For dessert ... how about trying grilled fruit topped with fat free cool whip, low cal frozen yogurt or even Dryer's Slow Churned ice cream ... it's lower fat and well, it is vacation after all :)
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    Hey, would you mind sharing that lasagna recipe? Sounds yummy :).

    You got some great suggestions here!r
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Hey, would you mind sharing that lasagna recipe? Sounds yummy :).

    You got some great suggestions here!r

    Sure! I have it saved in my recipes, but can't figure out how to add it so that you can do a search and have it come up??
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