Looking for feedback on Bariatric Surgery



  • grannygethealthy1111
    Personally, I would try to lose weight the old-fashioned way first. I mean really give it your all and work hard like you never have before. Can't do it? Then how are you going to change your eating and exercise habits after the surgery? This surgery is life changing and irreversible. I have mixed feelings about it. I have 3 friends who went this route. One died at age 43 from complications of the surgery, one is doing very well and has lost over 105 pounds, and one lost and regained almost all of her weight.

    The decision has to be yours. Losing weight is very difficult, but it is doable. I am 61-years-old and I have lost 99 pounds through lifestyle change alone. If I can do it, I believe you could too. I wish you success no matter what your decision may be.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Good Morning, I too had looked into the surgery and even started the class to help teach me to eat correctly. My insurance would pay 100% of the surgery but wouldn't pay $20 for a gym membership....that alone upset me and I wanted to show the insurance company, family & my doctors that I didn't need the surgery. With hard work...sometimes it is really hard to be honest with yourself but with hard work and watching what I am eating I am losing it. It is slower then what I would have liked but since it is coming off slower hopefully it will be slow to come back on. You didn't gain overnight and it won't come off overnight either!
    I wish you luck but do your research and if it doesn't feel right TO YOU then don't do it. This site is great, but you have to be honest with yourself.....watching what you eat and getting some exercising in is what will get you to your goal weight.

  • lagcrg
    lagcrg Posts: 38 Member
    First, I hope you are still reading these post. I haven't needed to consider surgery but I wanted to pass along some thoughts. I recently heard that when we are trying to lose weight we not only need support from family and friends, but we need to get moving. You sound as though it's hard for you at this weight to do lots of exercise but if your not going "under the knife" for a time you need to try something. I was told to start with something small and for a about 20minutes a day. Do it for a week then up your time the next week etc. After about 3 weeks of getting your time higher try adding a new movement. The other thing was that we all have unhealthy eating habits that I will admit are hard to break/stop. What I heard that helped me is to pick one habit and stop/remove it from your diet for at least 21 days. If you can make it the 21 days you are on the way to success of getting rid of that habit. I did this with drinking pop. I drank 3 or more 12oz. cans a day (caffeine free). After replacing them with water, or the 5 calorie water mixes, I began to lose weight. I had friends ask why not drink diet pop, well I don't like diet pop. One more, have you tried Weight Watchers? The program you shared about that you would have to be in after surgery sounds a lot like the weight watchers program. I hope that this might help you. And good luck with whatever you decide.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    personally i would say do it the 'old fashioned' way... eat less, exercise more.
  • Simona38
    Simona38 Posts: 66 Member
    I had RNY July 27th, 2011 and it was the BEST thing I ever did for myself. I've lost 61lbs to date and I went from barely being able to walk [needing a cane] to walking 5K daily and doing HIIT workouts daily.

    I've dieted all my life. I dieted myself to 353lbs [surgery weight].

    Surgery is a personal decision. I tried eveything I could. I ate 1500 calories a day - well balanced and exercised an hr each day and I would gain and lose the same 25lbs over and over and it was frustrating. You'll get a lot of "do it the old fashioned way" advice but the truth is...when you're obese, you've tried the "old fashioned" way too many times to count and it does not work for everyone. Saying that, neither does surgery. Some people are very successful, others arent. I knew for me, this was the tool I needed to be successful long term.

    Surgery is only another tool in the arsenal. Work it and it'll work for you.
  • Lauren5280
    Lauren5280 Posts: 67 Member
    I have a friend who had it done. Several things jumped out at me after learning about the process.

    1. The restrictive diet that is required post surgery. It seemed to me that if she just followed this to begin with she would have lost the weight on her own. This is where it doesn't make sense to me.
    2. She's put back on almost all of the weight and still climbing. She's thrown the restrictive diet out the window. This leads me to believe that the surgery isn't worth it because without changing the reasons why you over eat and create new habits slowly and over time then you won't be able to stick with the so called surgery diet.
    3. She lost the weight so quickly that she was left with saggy skin. She actually felt worse about herself with the hanging skin than she did when she was heavy. If she had just dieted and exercised there would have been more of an opportunity to firm up the skin along the way.
    4. There are side effects. She lost a lot of her hair, for instance.

    My personal opinion is that the surgery isn't for those who are serious about losing weight. It is for those who want the quick fix. The weight didn't get there overnight and it won't leave overnight either. But that is just my opinion after having watched my friend for the last 6 years.

    If you want to lose it badly enough, you will. Just dig deep and find a reason!
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    It's a complex surgery and it has lots of complications and relatively high mortality... and don't expect it to be easy!

    I'd never do it, i would go for:

    First turn your head to the right and then turn it to the left. Repeat this exercise everytime you are offered something to eat.

  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    My family tried to talk me into it, even offering to pay. I studied it and it's really, really not worth the risks. For all the success stories you hear there are double the failures, from putting it all back on to death.

    Have you tried something like Jenny Craig? I do that because I know myself well enough to know if I attempt to do it myself it won't work. It never did before. At the same time you need to be in the right headspace. This is my second go round, but the first time I'm doing it for myself. I've made massive changes to my lifestyle (most importantly I've cut back on diet soft drink and am drinking more water) and I feel tons better for it.

    Either way good luck and I hope you make the best decision for you.
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    My aunt had it 2 years ago and she has kept the weight off. The problem is her skin is sagging so much and she losing too much weight now due to complications from the surgery. The amount of medicine she has to take a day is staggering.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I had Lap Band Feb 10, 2011. I have lost 87 pounds so far and am off all medications. I believe taht it had changed/saved my life. it is for sure a very individual decision. People can tell you horror stories and success stories, but in the end, it is up to you to decide. If you and yur family think it is right for you,. i say go for it. But I would suggest going to a few seminars from different surgeons and researching all the surgical options before you decide.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    My mom has the Lap Band, and has lost about 100 lbs (she was close to 300 lbs when she got it, she might have weighed more but I never asked). She's had it for ... about 2 years I think. She STILL has issues with food not going down right and still vomits frequently. But I think that's more to do with the fact that she tries to eat like she did before the surgery (too big of mouthfuls, too fast, not chewing fast enough), and now she can't do that.

    I personally weigh more than she did when she had the surgery, and I'm going at it the ol' fashioned way. I am still young though and know that I can do it by myself.

    Good luck to you.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My cousin's husband had the same surgery you are considering. He has had good results and wishes he had done it sooner.

    Like a few of the guys posted YES I considered it. I thought it was the only way I would be able to lose any weight. But I don't have good health insurance so it was going to have to be in the future. Then I had my a-ha moment and I have lost almost 100 pounds just by changing how and why I eat and working out.

    Good luck whatever you decide.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    Hello. I scanned all the forums for any existing threads on this but couldn't find any, so I hope I'm not covering ground already tread elsewhere...

    check this board http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/332328-have-you-ever-considered-gaining-weight-to-get-g-b-surgery?hl=g-b
  • MelJolly
    MelJolly Posts: 49 Member
    Have you tried consulting a nutritionist and getting you on a certain eating plan and exercise plan?

    I have... also Drs, a trainer and a short time with a psychologist to boot.... I still believe I could do it on my own.... but I'v been believing that for 15 years and I'm being forced to face the fact, that although I believe I can, I'm not able to do it.

    Believe it, and do it! Start it right now, and do it!! No, it's not that easy to make it so. But it is that easy to start it.....so..... start it with me. I received my referral, and my phone call to get it rolling....... There are many ways to do anything. There is only one way YOU will do it.

    How are you doing it?!
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    My old coworked did it. He did lose about 100lb in 8 months, but later had all kinds of problems. Now he is anemic and has to take iron shots. Also, he did the rou-en-y method not laproscopic and has a 12" scar from thorax to navel. He actually told me not to get it and had he had to do again, he would'nt. Also he is only 55 but looks like 65 b/c all the wrinkles and access skin. :frown:
  • dooberbug
    First of all, congrats on your weight loss so far! I am getting ready for bariatric surgery. My BMI is 42 and I'm about 100 pounds overweight. I have to say I think it's hilarious that people have ASKED if you've tried it the old-fashioned way!!! Of course you have, can't imagine anyone on here who hasn't...

    I have lost 55 pounds on Jenny Craig, then regained... then 80 on WW, kept it off for three years, then regained... I am at my highest weight - or at least I was before I started tracking my food on MFP. I have been through a 4-session group about binge eating to help improve my habits. Bottom line - I am getting a gastric bypass because data has demonstrated that it is a powerful tool to lose weight and improve health (such as potentially eliminating sleep apnea, GERD, alleviating arthritis pain...). The data shows that 80% of people who get gastric bypass keep the weight off for 10 years, compared to -- read this part now -- 3 to 5% of people who lose weight with diet and exercise alone.

    In the end, you have to make your own decision, but know that WLS is just a TOOL. If you are not fully committed to lifestyle change, including moving more, eating less, eating healthy foods, you won't keep it off no matter HOW you lose it.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I had weight loss surgery (biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) 4 months ago and have lost 67 lbs. so far, but have 90 lbs. to go. Nothing else ever worked for me. Since surgery, I've gotten off of my insulin and cholesterol meds. I'd do it again if I had to do it over.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have also messaged you...
  • Equinata
    Equinata Posts: 10 Member
    I recommend you going over to Youtube and check some real life stories out for yourself.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Friend from work had it. He lost 135lbs in a year, his WIFE, & his JOB. He spent all his time on the bariatric forums talking about how great his surgery was.... discussing his bowel movements post-op with his customers.... it wasn't pretty. This kind of stuff he NEVER would have talked about pre-surgery.

    What happened? He lost his MARBLES. Losing weight THAT quickly is NOT healthy. It DOES things to people. It changes you. The chemicals in your brain are affected, & your personality is altered. And you can't control how it changes. I'd NEVER consider this option after watching my friend's entire life fall apart. His own wife of 25 years couldn't even stand to be around him anymore.