What do you think of Curves?



  • jqw3827
    I just joined this week. I was looking around for something on Saturdays in particular because my free work fitness center isn't open on weekends. I, too, am just getting back into a gym after way too many years of working at a desk. Yes, I think Curves is probably too expensive - but then I priced the local Y - even *more* expensive - and the local senior center which is only open weekdays 9-5. I'm still working fulltime. The thing that impressed me LEAST was the staff, who bluntly, should be glad to be working at Curves because I don't konw what else they could do. Maybe they don't get paid much, but I went to two different places and was told there "wasn't enough time" to get me through the rotations - 30 minutes - really???!!! or weighed and measured. Well, a miracle happened. At the second place, I just insisted "Do what you can finish and we'll see where we get by your closing time." Amazingly, I was weighed, measured and went through two rounds of the circuit within that time frame! I'm not interested in their total plan - I have been working with a medical weight loss clinic for 9 months and have lost 20% body weight! Now, I need to tone and improve my stamina. I can alternate Curves with my work fitness center which has ellipticals and free weights and traditional "Nautilus"-like stacked weight machines. I think Curves will serve my purpose if I'm left alone to do it the way I see fit. For example, the woman last night wouldn't "allow" me to use hand weights during the "square pad" phase of things. She criticized what I was doing as "non-cardio" - but I can tell you (and told her) that if I had had the hand weights in my hands - it is indeed cardio - and something we do at the work fitness center. I understand that many Curves franchises have gone out of business - if this is a part-time "hobby" for some of the workers, I can see how that could happen. I'll continue as long as I can do it the way I think is best. One funny thing. I actually have one leg that is smaller than the other due to atrophy. The larger leg alone was measured. At my next measurement, I'm thinking of sticking out the smaller leg and let's see if miraculous claims are made! Otherwise, today I do actually "feel" some of the twisting and bending - and for me, personally, that is a good thing.