FAT people and pilates?

Ok the health club I joined offer so many classes and I was thinking of doing the pilates and yoga but as big as I am I don't think that that class is for full figured women (yoga also)......so my question has any full figured person has done either the yoga and pilates, how was it and do you like/suggest it, thanks!


  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I tried to do yoga at 230 lbs it was very difficult on my knees, but I enjoyed the class. Ask your health club if you can sit in on a class before you pay for them to see if you will be ale to participate and that you will enjoy the class. I am taking pilates now and I LOVE it . I have reached my goal weight so it is much easier ( but still hard) then when I was over weight. Good luck on your journey.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I've always been curious about pilates, but havent tried it. But I have tried beginner yoga and LOVE IT.
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    I love both! I only tried pilates once I got fat but yoga I've practiced on and off for some years. The only negative with yoga is my stomach gets in the way for many poses but I see that as extra motivation for weightloss.
  • rebecca1608
    I've done Yoya and Pilaties and enjoyed them both.

    I was a little concerned at the beginning that I would fail, but i didnt. I weighed 250lb when i first did the class so you should be fine.
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    My understanding is that yoga and pilates are aimed at achieving a 'personal best' and not trying to get as deep into any posture as anyone else might be doing. I am sure you will gain a lot from these activities, and the muscles worked will help your posture, which helps you look a little leaner. Yoga people tend to be very accepting folk and non-judgemental, so go and give it a go! I think you'll love it :-)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I do a pilates class for beginners via Netflix streaming videos. This way I can get an idea of what it's like before I get up the nerve to take a class. Do some on line watching and try them in your house first.
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    I tried Ashtanga yoga and it was brilliant! Unfortunately we couldn't continue but are looking at taking it up again after we move.

    It is a really a good workout and not too rough on joints, etc.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    I do a pilates class for beginners via Netflix streaming videos. This way I can get an idea of what it's like before I get up the nerve to take a class. Do some on line watching and try them in your house first.

    Fabulous idea. I never thought to look through netflix for exercise videos.
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    I don't know about yoga, but I took a university Pilates class when I was over 200 lbs, and found it very accommodating. Although the very lithe/very thin girls in the class definitely made me uncomfortable, there were a couple of big girls, too.
    The great thing about Pilates is that it is very accommodating and adjustable to anyone's body type/fitness level/health issues, etc. The instructor reminded us frequently that we were free to "alter" each movement or amount of reps to suit our individual levels. The worst thing that could happen is for you to injure yourself attempting to do a movement that is beyond your level.
    Being 5'11", I could do all the moves in the class that the skinny minnies could, with the exception of pulling my legs completely over and behind my head on the ground and touching the other side (whilst lying down, of course). This was a personal goal of mine to be able to accomplish one day. After I lost the weight, one day, I tried again, and it's now something I do regularly :)
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I started Pilates at my largest - 105kg (230lbs).

    Without it I would not be able to do as much as I can in the gym or the running I do. I had a bad back due to an injury from many years ago.

    The class I go to is an old fashioned floor pilates so no machines at all and is attended by all shapes and sizes and all different limitations. We have all been helped be the pilates in different ways.

    Try and find a small class that has a teacher that will work around individual limitations rather than a big class where the teacher can not watch everyone to make sure they are doing the exercises correctly and safely.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    When I was really overweight, I tried doing yoga classes at my gym and really liked them. I wasn't as "bendy" as some of the other participants, but that's OK. I still did what I could and held the poses with good form. I really like yoga and pilates because of the core strength, stretching, and flexibility that you don't normally get elsewhere.

    As I lost weight I improved at the poses as I continued to challenge myself. Today I do a PiYo class (which is pilates and yoga fusion created by the same woman that made Turbo Jam) once a week and it is a great way to recover from the weight training and cardio that I do the rest of the week.

    Also remember, that any exercise can be modified so anyone can benefit from it. Overweight people are certainly NOT limited to walking on the treadmill and using light dumbbells. Don't be afraid to try it out. I say go for it!