Getting so close to goal and yo-yoing!

penny39 Posts: 266 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have had anywhere from 13 -18 pounds over the last month to month and half to reach my goal weight and I can't seem to get rid of it! I know they say the last 10 is the hardest to get rid of, but I can't even get to the last ten I keep fluctuating .I also keep finding myself grazing which I wasn't doing in the first few months of my journey, it's as if I am so close and I keep sabotaging myself! I need help and advice to get through these last few pounds!PLEASE!


  • Bump. I am interested to hear these responses, as I am having the same problem.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I'm in a similar boat except for that I have been yo-yoing between 122 - 126 for the last 8 months, ouch!
    Also looking for advice.
  • 5weeks
    5weeks Posts: 38
    Me too, I've lost 15 and just have 13 more to lose. I keep bouncing between 163-159:sad: :sad:

    I've just started low carb with dreams of seeing the scale go down:blushing:
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I have been bouncing between 145 and 152. My goal weight is 135.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    Try to be more consistent eating right at your calorie allotment. That should quell your cravings/grazing and keep you losing. Also, try to hit 100 grams of protein, 30 grams of fiber, and all 8-12 glasses of water. Good luck!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I only have 10 lbs to lose and I've not been trying hard enough. My weight has been fluctuating between 5lbs too. I think its a mentality thing. Maybe because I'm quite comfortable with where I am so I've been slacking. Losing that extra 10 lbs would be bonus and I've lost that motivation from when I first started this journey. I've been looking back at my photos and trying to remember why I wanted to do this in the first place.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I too feel this way for the last month or so. I changed my goals the first week I didn't loose to 1/2 pound per week (I figured that was better than nothing) That helped me to loose a little the first week but I just keep plugging away and stay below my calories. I weigh every morning and sometimes during the day (I know bad but I don't mind seeing the fluctuating up and down through out the day) I don't record til I see the same weight on the scale at least 2 mornings. I used to be able to record every week now it has been about every 2. Yesterday I was down to 135 (my goal would really be 125) this morning up again to 136.6 last week I recorded 136.2. So it is a slow process I also do the whole zigg zagging calories in a way mostly just because that's how things end up here. I too have been in a snacking mood so try to make good choices and small portions. And I make sure to always get at least 8 glasses of water and usually it is more like 12-15.
    I too decided that I was fine with where I was at if I didn't loose anymore I had already lost a good amount and felt so much better about myself and the way I look.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I had an almost 2 month long plateau bouncing between 158 and 161. I changed my MFP setting to lose only 0.5 pounds/week and that seemed to break the plateau. However, it is frustrating that my weight loss is now so sloooooow. I was really frustrated with my plateau and wrote about where I think I went wrong in my blog. Maybe this will help one of you out:

    I am in the home stretch of the last 10 pounds now and I have a feeling this will be one heck of a struggle. Feel free to friend me if anyone else needs support for these stubborn last pounds!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    First and most importantly, you have to remember, weight fluctuates. The weather, your daily/weekly/month cycle and so many other factors make your weight fluctuate. Second, by looking at your food diary, i can tell you for certain you are NOT eating enough. 1200 calories is really only recommended for those who have a lot to lose. By my quick calculations, you should be around 1400-1500 calories a day for weight loss. Next, do you workout? You may have to switch what your workout routine is. Remember, your body will adjust to a new routine every 30 days. That means, it's best to switch it every month. Do you lift weights, cardio, interval training, etc...? Next, it might be suggeted to lower your carb intake and increase your protein intake. I actually suggest a 40/40/20 (carbs/protein/fats) ratio when you can't get over this hump. I had to increase my caloric intake twice (at 2600 now) to keep losing weight. I am in the last 10 lb range. Although, I don't care so much about weight. I rather my bodyfat drop than my weight. BF is a much better indicator on if you live a healthy lifestyle because there is such a thing called skinny fat. Skinny fat is a person who is small in stature but high in bodyfat. Just remember, food is fuel and muscle burns fat. The combination of the two will take you to a whole new level.
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I guess I failed to mention I am a diabetic(type 2) and my carbs and calories are set by what my nutritionest told me to set them at, over a couple months ago. Maybe I need to go see her again and see what she has to say about these last few pounds also. I still want advice from you all though so I can weigh in many factors.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I guess I failed to mention I am a diabetic(type 2) and my carbs and calories are set by what my nutritionest told me to set them at, over a couple months ago. Maybe I need to go see her again and see what she has to say about these last few pounds also. I still want advice from you all though so I can weigh in many factors.

    That is fine if you can't reduce the amount of carbs. What type of workout do you do? Any weight training? There has been studies that have shown increased muscle mass can reduce or eliminate type 2 diabetes. Muscle controls insulin released in your body, so the more muscle you have, the more you will have working to controll the insulin. It isn't always about weight. There are other benefits form weighing less but it doesn't neccessarily mean you can eliminate type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind, there is a thing called skinny fat. It's people who are technically in a good range for weight but they have high body fat percent. I haven't dealt with type 2 diabetes, but I would highly suggest a good weight training routine. Even possibly looking into a program like chalean extreme or p90x or just talking to your doctor about it.
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