lossing my baby weight

hi everyone! was wondering if there were any mums out there struggling to lose their baby weight post pregnancy?! would be great to share tips on how we all find time to diet and exercise whilst still being there for the kids!
plus i'm new so please add me as a friend!! i've got tons of weight to lose and would be grateful for any support and motivation i can get!!!xxxx


  • VanishersCoach
    Hi, I am a new mom also, I am struggling to lose my baby weight too.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Thats why I am here! I gained a lot of weight with my first 4 1/2 years ago and never lost the last 15 or so pounds and then got pregnant with my daughter, who is now 18 months. I didnt gain as much weight with her, but I still had that extra 20 lbs. I started watching in january and working out regularly in february and I am finally at (slightly below) my goal weight! I still can use some toning in my belly area, so I am working on that....but it can be done!!! I didnt think I could do it but I did and it feels so good to put my pre-pregnancy clothes on! I'll send you a friend request...the support is priceless on here!
  • chovest81
    chovest81 Posts: 99
    My babies are 4...still get asked all the time when i am expecting...the horror! I have alot of belly fat to lose!!!! R u nursing because i still swear that was the best diet plan ever. I nursed twins and lost my pregnancy weight but never changed my eating habits when i quit....so that is my biggest suggestion...be conscious of what you put in your mouth.
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi there, there are loads of mums on her from what i can see. Its great for tips and motivation. i have 3 children and have lost the weight from the third but am now trying to lose the weight gained from the first two, (my eldest is 8) I tend to try and do a quick exercise dvd whilst my youngest is asleep i have just started Jillian Michaels 30day shred today. My main problem now is the tummy area. Anyway i also play netball and have just completed my first 10k run last weekend i find doing cardio like that works best for me in the evenings than i have eaten all the food for the day and don't eat again afterwards, it seems to work for me.

    Anyway you will do great.
  • hempelsa
    hempelsa Posts: 11
    I'm slowly starting to make progress losing the weight (my daughter will be 17 weeks old on Sunday). I had just lost about 25 pounds when I found out I was pregnant, so I'm basically starting from scratch (except now with a significantly less toned midsection). I'm doing Turbo Jam at the moment, and so far that's working pretty well. I also try to find quick, healthy recipes (though not always successfully) as I have a 40 minute commute each way and try to spend as much time with my daughter as I can in the evenings rather than spending it in the kitchen. If anyone has any to share, please do! And good luck to all of you.
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    wow. thanks for all the friend requests and the responses. my little one is just 17 weeks too. i was roughly a stone away from my goal weight, i had lost 30lbs when i found out i was pregnant. i put it all back on and then some. when bj was 5 weeks i started exercising again. lost 18lbs when i found my fitness pal and have to say i'm struggling. i stopped breastfeeding as my milk was too squirty and bj was constantly throwing up and i had to feed every hour. i found him being sick very distressing, had a bit of baby blues and was comfort eating big time so i put a stop to it all. i have only been on this site a few days but find it so much fun and the success stories are amazing and inspiring. i only get about 30mins to myself properly in the morning and i use our home gym as i cant run due to a knee injury but want to up my exercise and really reduce calories. hoping for more tips and support. thanks to all you yummy mummies xxxxx
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Before I started this journey at the beginning of the year I was asked a couple of times if I was pregnant...my kids are 7 and 8...seesh! I gained 50 pounds with my oldest and didn't loose it all before I got pregnant with my second. Just before she was born I weighed 196 pounds, yuck!

    For me it really took this long to get my head in the right place and be dedicated and committed enough to do what I need to do to get healthy. I started the year and did a round of P90X and when that was over I started Turbo Fire, which is what I'm still doing now. I'm a public school teacher so getting in time to exercise was challenging until I figured out that I need to get up before everyone else and exercise. Which means on school days I need to get up at either 4 or 4:30 depending of the length of the workout. I had to understand that I need to take care of myself so I can take care of my family. I'm NOT being selfish when I exercise. It's okay to do what I'm doing, so I can do what I want to do with/for my family and my career.

    On one of the Turbo Fire videos, Chalene Johnson says mentions that you have to schedule your workouts because life just gets in the way and you might not ever "find" the time. I prefer to do it first thing to rev up my metabolism and food-wise I know what I can eat all day.

    As a new mommy you should make sure you're getting as much sleep as possible...if that's even possible! If you don't have time to do a whole video then break up your exercise time. Sure you won't get the same burn but you'll still be moving! For example, when your little ones are eating you can run in place, do a few push-ups, sit-ups, etc. When you play with your kiddos focus on and engage your core. Whatever time you can squeeze in is good. I'd just suggest that whatever you can do make it a priority to do something, anything every day. Good luck!
  • Aireyma
    Aireyma Posts: 55
    oh my gosh, i'm right there with ya! i have TONS of weight to loose. I actually weigh more now that when I was pregnant!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! So yeah... I'm here for support!!!