I never thought I would be posting this...why am i not losin



  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I might also suggest that you watch your sugar intake. The meal replacement bar has a lot of sugar.

    Good luck!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I took a peek at your diary, and honestly, it's not a very healthy one (sloppy joes, fries, coca cola). I don't see any/many fruits/veggies and whole grains. I'm all for things in moderation, but at some point ,you need to look closer to your diet and see what is going on.

    As for exercise calories - I eat them back (to get to net of 1200cal/day). Some days I leave 10 cals on the table, others closer to 200-300.

    Good luck, and don't give up!!

    i am a very healthy eater. i have diet coke once in a blue moon. the frys are homeade, cut potatoes with olive oil and baked. sloppy joes are homeade too with veggies and lean meat. the banana bread aslo homeade with 100% whole wheat flour. i don't eat canned vegies, fresh or frozen. i cook dinner myself and put a lot of veggies in it. i even started making my own pasta suace so it is fresh and less sodium.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    What are your settings? I've been going through the same thing (for 3 frickin MONTHS!). The other day, I found this:


    Turns out, my settings were wrong. I had been set at sedentary (because I sit at my desk all day... BUT, I also work out for 3-4 days per week at 1 hour each. As such, I SHOULD have been set to very active - I bumped it down to active, because sometimes it's only 3 times.)

    Now, add on top of that, my anniversary was on Monday so I went out for a nice dinner. Ate WAY more than I should have. Within the next 2 days, I dropped 2 lbs. Since then, I've continued to drop. All I can figure is that I was eating too little at 1200 calories (even though I've always eaten my exercise calories).

    I would advise you to read the article, adjust your settings and eat all of your exercise calories. Give it TWO WEEKS (not just 1 day).

    **Oh... and believe me, I was scared as heck when I saw how many calories it wanted me to consume. On days that I run (burning 600 calories each time), I'm eating 2000! BUT... that's where my body lets me lose weight. *totally weird, but I'll take it!*

    A lot of people want to question starvation mode, etc. - but from what I've seen (and witnessed), we need to take the advice of MFP and the EXPERIENCED losers (they've been through it). I realize it totally contradicts what we THINK we should be doing, but if it works, it works!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Your sodium is HIGH. The NEW recommendation is 1500 mg. Yesterday you were at 2800- there is your weight gain.

    You also eat out a lot. I know restaurants post nuitrtional info- but that varies from location- and when you are eating SO close to your daily goal- you may very well be going over by 200-300 calories a meal. You do that 2 or 3 times a week and you have depleted your deficit.

    If you are not using a HRM- you should be--and do not forget to subtract your BMR from your burned amount on the HRM, and you might want to think about giving yourself some room incase you overestimate your calories in.

    i do have an hrm- i don't eat out a lot. i make food homeade and add it in the recipies. the frys are not real "frys" they are potatoes with olive oil and baked in the oven
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I took a peek at your diary, and honestly, it's not a very healthy one (sloppy joes, fries, coca cola). I don't see any/many fruits/veggies and whole grains. I'm all for things in moderation, but at some point ,you need to look closer to your diet and see what is going on.

    As for exercise calories - I eat them back (to get to net of 1200cal/day). Some days I leave 10 cals on the table, others closer to 200-300.

    Good luck, and don't give up!!

    I agree with this.
  • CristalBelle
    I looked at your diary, and first thing I see it your breakfasts suck. Coffee doesn't count as breakfast, and you are not starting your day giving your body the signal to burn calories. Second thing I noticed is that you go either way over or way under on your calories, and not with good foods. It looks like you eat what a kid eats(and I think you have one correct?), but you need to eat what is right for you. Add in more lean protein, and veggies and fruits, yogurts, low fat dairy, and try to keep your meals more consistant and even in size so that your body isn't over or underwhelmed. Someone else also mentioned your sodium is high. That one is HARD to fix, but just watching little things can help with that. I hope tweeking some things will help you see some changes. : )
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member

    A lot of people want to question starvation mode, etc. - but from what I've seen (and witnessed), we need to take the advice of MFP and the EXPERIENCED losers (they've been through it). I realize it totally contradicts what we THINK we should be doing, but if it works, it works!

    Totally. What she said. :smile: I like to ask people who have lost weight what to do, since they have obviously more experience vs. ideology. Hence no other advice from me! :wink:
  • ccbloom1
    ccbloom1 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in the same boat, so I'm not even going to offer any advice...but just an understanding of what you're going through...and it sucks!!!!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I'm in the same boat, so I'm not even going to offer any advice...but just an understanding of what you're going through...and it sucks!!!!

  • fairygirl716
    fairygirl716 Posts: 213
    First off, if you are viewing this time of your life as a "diet" you will gain your weight back eventually anyway. But, if you look at the larger scale of things and see this as a lifestyle change and you can see yourself eating this way and exercising this way for your lifetime...then you will see lasting results. Hitting a pleateu is normal. Your body will start to adjust to your new normal and it will work with what you give it. If overtime you are eating less calories than your body requires to function you will lose more weight. It will most likely take longer than you would like to see the weight fall off but, if it is a lifestyle, you have a lifetime to get there (not that it will take a lifetime).

    However, that being said...I know how hard it is to hit a plateau. Not seeing the scale move or even seeing it move in the other direction can be dishearting. When this happened to me, I talked to my docter. She told me to eat less exercise more. There is no medical reason to eat your exercise calories back. I don't know how this became the thing to do. You exercise to tone your body and burn more calories...not so you can eat more.

    Since August, I have lost almost 85 lbs. I was 235 when I started. I have about 1200 calories each day (doctor recommended, she even told me that I can lower my calorie intake to increase my results without hitting that false perception of "starvation mode") I chose to eat the same and exercise more and bam! The scale started to move again. It took 5 weeks of being at the same weight but now I'm down 10 more.

    Another thing that should be included in your healthy living...determination to make your life healthier, not the number on the scale smaller. If you are living a healthy lifestyle, the scale will in time reflect this lifestyle. Too many of us focus on the number and not the living! I can bet that if you are exercising as much as you say you are...you are building muscle. Muscle does weigh more. Instead of just checking the scale number, how about the pants size number or other measurements. Even though I wasn't losing weight...I was still losing inches.

    Don't be discouraged by the numbers...be encouraged by your life. If you have children, you are teaching them good habits. Even if you aren't, I bet your friends and relatives are seeing your healthy living and being encouraged too!
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    I took a peak at your food diary as well, and I completely agree with JustMichelleB. It's not just a matter of eating the correct number of calories in any given day, it's ensuring that the calories eaten are from healthy, balanced sources.

    I'd encourage you to take a hard look at what you eat, absent defense, and consider ways you can make things better. I suspect you will see the scale start to move. Good luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I took a peak at your food diary as well, and I completely agree with JustMichelleB. It's not just a matter of eating the correct number of calories in any given day, it's ensuring that the calories eaten are from healthy, balanced sources.

    I'd encourage you to take a hard look at what you eat, absent defense, and consider ways you can make things better. I suspect you will see the scale start to move. Good luck!

    From a weightloss standpoint it does not matter what you eat. You will always see the replies...........You are eating to much processed food, to much sugar, white flour, fat...........the list could go on forever. Loosing weight is about getting your metabolism going and keeping it going strong. Food choices do not alter metabolism. Send me a message and I will help if you would like to.
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
    bump, I am in the same boat and now that I have read some of the advice given to you I am going to use it to see if I can get and keep the scale moving down!
  • breezeski
    breezeski Posts: 4
    The only thing quick about a life changing program is the initial thought. Otherwise, It's a long, long road. Take your time, enjoy the view.

    A couple things people forget . . .
    1) You're trying to tinker and adjust a survival program your genetics took thousands of years to develop. At certain points of weight loss your body will automatically sense the loss and go into "damage control" for want of a better term. It does whatever it can to prevent further weight loss. We're designed to run, hide, run, hunt, hide, run and run some more. The 'plateau' people talk about is your body trying to decide if it's safe to lose more weight. Give it all the correct nutrient it wants.

    2) As several others pointed out, muscle weighs more than other body resources.

    3) It happens to most others. Visualize and adjust.

    Can we do better? Always. Will we do better? Perhaps.

    Best of luck.
  • Smittyinthesun2
    I can tell you from years of experience and being a former wrestler that yor typical bathroom scale sucks ! I have weighed myslf on every kind of scale you can imagine. The $30-100 kind you buy at Walmart or Home Depot or wherever- in a word suck ! They are never level as they sit in your bathroom floor and often our kids jump on them and it throws the balalce out of wack. I have weighed myself on these kinds get a number then get off wait a second and get back on to double check and get a different number. If It's a higher number then I'd get really pissed.

    The doctors scale with the movable weights or a professional digital scale are your best bet by far, but they need to be certified by someone from your local dept of weights and measures because over time they too can become out of wack. If you want to check the Doctors scale for accuracy, set the scale to zero and the indicator should balance in the middle. If it doesn't then the scale is either heavy or light and needs attention by a qualified repairman.

    I can tell you, that is my opinion that people weigh themself way to often and get all worked up over a pound or 2. Ladies this happens more to you because of your TOM issues.

    I haven't weighed myself since March 2011 at my local health club a whopping 413 pounds, the next day I tried out for the Biggest Loser at Univeral Studios in Orlando. I still havent weighed myself since then, but I can tell you that many outfits in my closet that didn't used to fit because of my size now fit with ease and are in fact too large. I started in a 4x T shirts and shorts , I am now wearing 2x gym wear. My feeling is I have lost in the 65 pound range and I'm pretty sure a scale would confirm that and my friends and neighbors tell me I look way thinner. My weekly routine is 40 miles on the treadmill and 50 on the bike and 5 hours of swimming, I also eat a healthful 2200 calorie a day diet. 6 days a week, and I have a cheat day where I allow myself to go to 3000 calories, so I am putting in the time.

    I guess my point in all this is a people obsess over a number, - I weigh this ___ ! Weighing yourself more than 1-2 times a week will drive you crazy, DON"T DO IT !!! If you do you are probably OCD !
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    Your post and everyones response has been quite helpful to me too. This morning I weighed myself and once again the scale had moved a little in the wrong direction. I feel if I could just break away from the 180's then I will be on my way but I haven't been sucessful yet...so needless to say I was ready to just give up this morning :cry:

    I have no sugestions - obviously :laugh: - but you are not alone, I feel your pain.

    Good luck!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    What are your settings? I've been going through the same thing (for 3 frickin MONTHS!). The other day, I found this:


    Turns out, my settings were wrong. I had been set at sedentary (because I sit at my desk all day... BUT, I also work out for 3-4 days per week at 1 hour each. As such, I SHOULD have been set to very active - I bumped it down to active, because sometimes it's only 3 times.)

    Now, add on top of that, my anniversary was on Monday so I went out for a nice dinner. Ate WAY more than I should have. Within the next 2 days, I dropped 2 lbs. Since then, I've continued to drop. All I can figure is that I was eating too little at 1200 calories (even though I've always eaten my exercise calories).

    I would advise you to read the article, adjust your settings and eat all of your exercise calories. Give it TWO WEEKS (not just 1 day).

    **Oh... and believe me, I was scared as heck when I saw how many calories it wanted me to consume. On days that I run (burning 600 calories each time), I'm eating 2000! BUT... that's where my body lets me lose weight. *totally weird, but I'll take it!*

    A lot of people want to question starvation mode, etc. - but from what I've seen (and witnessed), we need to take the advice of MFP and the EXPERIENCED losers (they've been through it). I realize it totally contradicts what we THINK we should be doing, but if it works, it works!

    This is quite true:

    To get the most out of MFP, you need to consider the following :

    1) How much do you have to lose?
    Set your weekly weight loss goal correctly - as per the details in the mfp basics page linked below

    2) What is your actual activity level?
    Then correctly set it in MFP

    3) Do you wear a HRM (with a chest strap)?
    If yes, then eat back your exercise calories. If no, then only eat back HALF of your exercise calories.

    It's important that the1st two points are set correctly.... so that your daily calorie can be set correctly.

    These 2 pages will give you all of the information you need...

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    From a weightloss standpoint it does not matter what you eat. You will always see the replies...........You are eating to much processed food, to much sugar, white flour, fat...........the list could go on forever. Loosing weight is about getting your metabolism going and keeping it going strong. Food choices do not alter metabolism. Send me a message and I will help if you would like to.

    I agree with this too... I mean... yeah, it would be great if I could clean.... but life is not like that.

    I started wearing a KiFit in march (UK BodyMedia Fit), and have noticed that since starting Chalean Extreme (lifting heavy weights) 5 weeks ago - that my TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure / daily calorie burn) has jumped by 500 calories.

    Which means... I can eat more... actually my body needs me to eat more to recover.
    Maybe lifting weights might be something for you to consider - so you can jump start your metabolism.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    If you are doing weights you could be gaining muscle. Not just weights but any kind of exercise will generally build muscles. Maybe try a cleanse or eat super clean for the next 2 weeks. You could try zig zagging your calories and see if that helps!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    two things i noticed after glancing at your diary are high processed carbs and not very much fruits/veggies - whole foods.... try lowering your carbs substantially (therefore your sugar amounts will come down as well).