Hello from Wales/Sweden

RhysUK Posts: 8
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself

I'm Rhys, I live in North Wales, but due to my job, I travel a lot and am currently spending a lot of time in Sweden and Finland.

I'm 40, married and have a 4 year old Daughter.

I've always been fat, except for a brief period of about 18 monhs in the early 90's when I had a reasonably "normal" job and was able to attend a Gym 2-3 times a week. But that ended when I started having to travel more and more with my job.

So fast forward to November 2010, weighing in at 108 Kg (238 lb) I decided that I really had to do something about my weight. For almost 20 years I had managed to persuade myself that my lifestyle of travelling for business (flying, hotels, business lunches etc...) was the reason I was fat - it was time to wake up and realize that I'm fat because I 'm a lazy glutton.

I won't bore everyone with the exact details of what happened between November 2010 and today, but in summary I found a personal trainer, took the time to find decent gyms in my most frequently travelled to locations and made a fundamental change to the way I think about food and excercise.

The basic principles I now try to follow is to build muscle mass in order to raise my BMR (so obvious to me now but a revelation at the time, when my trainer pointed out that big muscles = more calories burnt daily) and to eat a healthy, balanced diet that is sustainable for the rest of my life - i.e. no quick fix fads.

I have recently started adding more cardio just to get that little extra push on the weight loss - my muscle mass is increasing very nicely, but it's getting harder to shift the beer belly :) I also recently discovered Spinning, I really love it, it gives me a real buzz, it's almost like a drug!

So I'm now at 91Kg (200 lb) I'm still about 10kg from my ideal weight, still a long way to go but I'm not too woried about that, the mirror speaks more than the numbers, my arms, legs and shoulders finally have some muscle definition, I feel really fit and strong and I no longer have problems waking up in the mornings :) I think I'll make 80Kg in about 2-3 months, but I enjoy my new lifestyle so much, I don't really think of it as a journey that has a "goal" or and "end" anymore.

I recently joined the "smartphone" crowd and thus stumbled across myfitnesspal, I'm glad to be here and look forward to sharing tips, learning form others and hopefully motivating those who want to take the same journey as I have taken for the last 6 months.

Feel free to add me and send me questions.

Iechyd Da, as we say in Wales!

HW 108 Kg 238 lb
CW 91 Kg 200 lb
GW 80 Kg 176 lb
BMI 27.5
BMR 2137 Kcal
Fat mass 19 kg
Muscle Mass 69.4 Kg


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