New to MFP

jenniferjgayfield Posts: 115
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I'm Jennifer. I'm 25 and a new Momma (baby boy born 2-11-11), and I feel as if I've always had a problem with weight loss, even though I've never gotten too big, I have trouble getting to my goal weight. I have been an athlete for a long time, and recently had begun running, but thanks to an ankle injury from last year, have been unable to continue running for now, and not sure when I will be able to again. I have a desk job, so the only exercise I have at work is going up two flights of stairs, which I do 3-4 times a day. My highest post-pregnancy weight was 146, am down to 140 right now, and want to get to 136, which is a couple of pounds lower than my high school weight. Really though, I want to press on and see just how low my body can comfortably go. I am 5'4" so I am hoping to get into the lower 130s, maybe even high 120s(I was 12 last time I was there)...hope it works, but proud of myself either way!


  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome! Glad to have you!
  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Been using here for almost 40 days and the support and motivation from other members is outstanding. Good Luck! Add me if you'd like :-)
  • mrsbrown2k1
    mrsbrown2k1 Posts: 139
    Welcome to MFP! And congrats on being a new mommy!!!! I hope you achieve your goals and find this site very useful. There is some really good informtion on the message boards. I find lots of great recipes and motivation here.
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    Well you are in the right place to be motivated! Good the way you don't really have far to go! Lucky you!:smile:
  • Thank you all for the welcome and good luck on your journey to better health!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    Hey I'll add you. I'm also 5 ft 4 and always hovering around top 130lbs/bottom 140lbs. Nice to meet someone with similar goals. Ideally I want to get to 133 but like you say....keep pushing to see what is realistic for my height.

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