Yo-Yo Dieter in Need of Help!

Okay, I am a yo yo dieter and have been for about 15yrs, never had a problem with weight until I had my first child. I've tried ever diet, every pill even the dangerous ones. Now I am at my heaviest 205lbs and am about to lose my mind, I don't even recoginze the girl in the mirror. No matter how hard I try the weight seems to just stick to me. I only want to lose 45lbs I want to be 160lbs. If I lose 3lbs and have an off day I gain 5lbs back...I feel like I've destroyed my metabolism and I'm doomed to be this person that I just don't want to be...any advice to help me.

I am so tired of this struggle!


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Take what you eat now, dont over eat, cut the fats out of it as best you can and drink lots of water. switch from white to whole wheat and dont limit yourself. Think of this as a life style change not a diet and you should feel limited and want to stop. :)
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    You've come to the right place, everyone I know has tried everything before and then they realised it's a case of a lifestyle change. It's not about being on a diet it's choosing wisely and getting some exercise. This site is the best site ever, it helps you get re-educated on good foods vs bad, what you think may be full of fat and what isn't. It also creates a fantastic support network for down days but also those days that you feel like singing from the rooftops because you had to put a new hole in your belt.
    So... what I'm trying to say, is give this site a go and you'll lose weight without even realising it, it's so simple; calories in, calories out!
    I've been doing MFP for almost 9 weeks and have lost 21 pounds. The most I have ever lost by an enormous amount but I also know I have to keep going and it to become a way of life.
    Good luck and use this site to its full potential
    If you need motivation and support add me :)
  • thoughtfulnest
    thoughtfulnest Posts: 20 Member
    It really is about how much you eat. What you eat is important too, but it's total calories over everything - exercise and all - that makes the difference. Do you have any friends trying to lose weight? Try creating a secret facebook page for support and joining here together. So far it's doing wonders for me. Each week we post a pic of our feet on the scale and post about our struggles or triumphs. No judgement, just encouragement and accountability. Every day we track our food and exercise here. I find that when you hit "complete entry" for the day the line "If every day were like today you would be ___ lbs in five weeks" to be a real motivator. I just got down under 180 for the first time in over a decade. It's slow, but I am doing it. Just remember you can eat what you want if you plan and portion properly. Use the food tracker and measure carefully. It's a habit change but so worth it!
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    You in the right spot i think. log your food, watch your portions.. Change your eating habits, and dont think of it as a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    i'm a foodie... trust me, i love my food AND i have a terrible sweet tooth. But MFP is teaching me how to be a smart foodie.

    you also just have to make up your mind that you're gonna change how and what you eat.

    dont give up... Start out by logging ALL the food u eat into the diary. no matter what it is... just write it in. (Yea even chewing gum) Walk a little... 15 minutes...

    Making friends on here who will support u is also great
  • MeAgain2011
    MeAgain2011 Posts: 66 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I also agree with the suggestion that you look at it as a lifestyle change. There are a million and one different diets, books, and schools of thought on weight loss, and there are many I dont agree with. But one thing that's universal is that you may want to look at the reasons why you eat, and what is driving you. When I have been in a mode of eating without control, there isn't enough food in the grocery store -- let alone the house -- that would satisfy me. It's something beyond physical hunger. I have recently tried the suggestions by Dr. Daniel Amen in the book Change Your Brain, Change Your Body. Not only do they work, but I haven't been as tired or unhappy as I've been on other "diets." Just a suggestion. I wish you luck!
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    Okay, I am a yo yo dieter and have been for about 15yrs, never had a problem with weight until I had my first child. I've tried ever diet, every pill even the dangerous ones. Now I am at my heaviest 205lbs and am about to lose my mind, I don't even recoginze the girl in the mirror. No matter how hard I try the weight seems to just stick to me. I only want to lose 45lbs I want to be 160lbs. If I lose 3lbs and have an off day I gain 5lbs back...I feel like I've destroyed my metabolism and I'm doomed to be this person that I just don't want to be...any advice to help me.

    I am so tired of this struggle!

    Sounds so much like me! Wow!
    Just stay focused and dont' give up that's what i keep saying to myself...Good Luck
  • Shawnda1730
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words of encouragement. I am going to keep going. I just went to lunch with a group of friends and we went to my favorite spot and I over ate, I've been waiting all week to go there and I blew it. I just feel like I have to keep starting over. I think I am going to check into emotional reason as to why I eat. Thanks so much this was so very helpful!
  • AlwaysLightlyOver
    I totally understand how you feel. I'm a yo-yo dieter myself, and it's so frustrating to not feel in control of your own actions, or mind. I'll be super healthy for awhile, and then eat something unhealthy, and it'll all just cave in for the next few weeks - which then leads to more weight gain. I think learning how to forgive myself, and even trying actively just forget my mistakes has helped for me. Distraction also works - movies, napping, friends. It's so hard though, to get out of the cycle.