6 kids and bouts of depression later....

Hey all! as you see in the subject line, I have 6 kiddos! I hate to blame anything on them lol! But pregnancy does put it's toll on our bodies... My first two pregnancies were pretty good! I kept up with eating healthy and walking most every day. But after the 2nd, I think I went thru some postpartum depression (undiagnosed)... and i kept on most of the weight i had gained. Different circumstances in life over the next 5 yrs and I was going thru some depression. There was a LOT of stress. I remember reading one of those "stress" tests, you know? where they list all the stressors you could have... well dh and I always had most of the stressors every year! There was always something going on to cause stress in the house. The last 6 years I have either been pregnant or nursing, and am still nursing my 9 month old right now. But we are finished having babies, and I feel I need to get myself back! I have gotten moody and even more depressed and I don't want my children to grow up with a sad, unhealthy, mean mom! I am trying to do different things to improve my over all health and well-being and I am appreciative to a friend that gave me this website to help me track my weight loss goals! I started out at 225 and have lost 10 lbs so far! But on here it shows i've lost 2 because I started this after I had already lost some weight... Never thought I'd be over 200, and now I'm excited to start heading back under 200 LOL! One day and one jog and one meal at a time tho huh? I need support! so please friend me if you can understand a little where I'm coming from... I will be here for you too :) Let's do it!!


  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the loss so far!

    The people here are really supportive and there are lots of moms like us looking to lose the baby weight.

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as your friend.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have 3 boys and my younger two just ruined my body..Lol! I think there's a way to change your ticker, try searching for it in the forums.
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Welcome!! I will gladly cheer you on! I will send a friend request :-))