IF advice?

Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
So, I have been checking out threads and some of the links provided, and I am very seriously thinking about starting IF next week. I think the 18/6 plan with two meals prior to my workout would work great for me. I am intended to keep my caloric goals the same as they are now (1000 calorie deficit), but I will look to eat 20% @ meal 1, 20% @ meal 2, and 60% @ meal three.

Anyone have any recomendations on my macro percentages and/or what the macro makeup of the post workout meal should be? Or any other tips/advice for me???


  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Whatever you prefer. It's really up to you.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Tim, I would go on the IF support thread and ask them. They are all really experienced and helpful.


    Good luck!!
  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    Yeah, I did that yesterday and haven't gotten any response. I thought I'd try it this way instead of bumping the heck out of that thread. I don't want to irck anyone.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Yeah, I did that yesterday and haven't gotten any response. I thought I'd try it this way instead of bumping the heck out of that thread. I don't want to irck anyone.
    I'm telling you it doesn't matter, though. It's all personal preference. Some people may prefer to go carb-heavy post-working, some may prefer carb-heavy pre-workout, and some people may not notice a difference between the times they eat their macros.

    Experiment and find what works best for you. There is NO universal answer to your question.
  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    Alright, thanks mynameisuntz! I recognize that there needs to be some experimentation, but is there a guidline for this that I've missed? I'm wondering what my starting place should be.

    Also, is the a recomendation for macro's on rest days? It seems like the suggestion is to reduce carbs on rest-days, but maybe I'm mis-interpreting that?