Weight Watchers vs MFP



  • Jessica5000
    I really enjoy reading everything you all have said. Today I'm doing MFP only and will for a week and see how it goes. I bought a calorie counting book today for my purse. And I will put my WW Point books away for a while. It will take some getting used too but I'm excited to try something completely new. I do love how you can see other amounts you are intaking. For example sometimes my soduim is like triple. And that's not good. I also love that once you log all your food you can see what you will wiegh in 5 weeks. So I will try this for a week and then choose. Thank so much everyone! It was very helpful.
  • valarson5
    valarson5 Posts: 7 Member
    The "free fruit" killed me too!! I found the new WW Points Plus plan impossible to work with. If you already eat healthy it is hard to use your points. I went from 18 points to 29 -- with all the fruits and veggies free. The plan scared me. I am one week on MFP and LOVE it -- I am learning so much more about the foods that I eat. I never paid too much attention to sodium before but WOW some things shock me.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I have done WW several times in the past, and I get "cocky". I am at the point where I know points values under the old plan, so I stop writing down things, and I just go by what I know.

    Well, that wasn't working for me when I realized recently that I have gained about 15 pounds since January when I quit smoking.

    I LOVE that I have this easy website to come to, I search for foods or use my phone to scan barcodes, and all my food gets added right to my daily log. For me, this program is much easier than trying to calculate points all the time. And of course, it is free ;-) Honestly, this program is making me more accountable for my calories. Of course, the last time I did WW, I lost 2.6 pounds a week for the first two weeks, and now I am in this almost two weeks and down only about 3 pounds, but I am eating MUCH more satisfying food than I was on WW.
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    You could always use both.
    WW didn't work for me because: It is not conducive for different kinds of diets (celiac), Its program does not allow for different brands of food to be easily tracked, your friends are based on whether or not they are successful and renew and it's costly for the multiple systems involved that one is suppose to you. Nevermind the fact that they're constantly changing from points, to points plus and restaurants can't possibly keep up.

    If you're not satisfied with some of the aspects of MFP try www.sparkpeople.com, and www.livestrong.com. Both are FREE. Either way, MFP is a fantastic website with a dream database for foods and a massively inspiring group of people. Not to mention that their iphone app is one of the best apps i've seen.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    WW and MFP are "basicallly" the same. Sure there are some things here and there that are different, but in intent and core values, they are the same.

    What WW gives you is the accountability and commadarie at meetings. IF you aren't going to meetings, then personally, I feel you just need to log here and not double log everything.
  • ndswimchick22
    ndswimchick22 Posts: 58 Member
    Here is the REAL question you should be asking yourself.

    Are you going to follow Weight Watchers for the rest of your life, eating their food and counting their points?

    Or, are you going to make healthy changes in your life, and watch what you eat?!
  • stephcurf
    stephcurf Posts: 1
    I JUST cancelled my online WW subscription after losing 35 lbs since January. I loved it, loved PointsPlus... but I got sick and had to take some meds with LOTS of food for awhile and ended up not using the site for about 3 weeks. I didn't lose, but I was surprised that I was able to maintain and I credit the way WW "retrained" my brain to eat less and more mindfully.

    I wouldn't knock WW and would recommend it to anyone, but that 17.95 just to use a website is kind of a lot for me right now. It seems a little steep and so many of the resources on the website are readily available elsewhere. My husband uses MFP. After a few days, I do have to say it's easier to quickly add up points rather than calories, but maybe that'll just take a bit longer to get used to.