Cracked it! Well....

Not really, but I am definitely getting used to weighing and counting everything, and I've learnt loads about my eating habits.

Now I really have to get on the exercise train! I know what I gotta do, but TV is just so damn good :angry:

Seriously though, any thoughts from people who are motivated to exercise who didnt use to be? Tips would be appreciated!



  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    You just have to make yourself do it. Everyone has their off days, for me today is one of those. It's storming outside and I have the day off and just want to sit on my bum BUT I know I need to get my workout it and I always feel great after I do. Generally once you start your workout, your motivation will kick in and you'll be able to knock it out. Maybe it would help if you filled in a calendar or planner of what you need to do each day, that way it will feel like an appointment and you'll be more apt to get it done.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I found a park near by that has free classes on the lawn and shared the schedule with co-workers. Now 3 times a week at the LEAST I do something active. Doing it with friends makes it sooo much easier for me.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I walk on the tredmill while watching tv lol. Also I started using Jillian Michaels Workout DVDs, which I LOVE btw, and since I like them, and the 30 Day Shred It is only 20 minute workout its a major motivator.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    sometimes I watch TV while I workout... we have a stationary bike in our apt so I'll just put something on tv or netflix while I ride the bike and if I go to our apartment gym, I put something on netflix on my iphone!

    a lot of people say that watching tv makes you not work out as hard but I disagree.. I work out harder bc I am not paying as much attention to the bike or elliptical and thinking, "am I done yet?".. Instead I'm watching whatever show is on and laughing at that.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    On days when I'm not motivated and the TV is good...i'll just do small things during commercials. Sit ups, planks, lunges. Usually by the end of whatever show I was watching, I've found my motivation and will go for a run or head to the gym.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Pick a goal to work towards. It can be anything - a certain number of calories burned in a week, or something that is longer term like running a 5K. It may take a while to reach, but it will give you something to look forward to. And the sense of personal accomplishment is well worth all the hard work along the way!
  • dcladydi
    dcladydi Posts: 95
    I NEVER exercised till I joined here... Now I'm at the gym almost EVERYDAY for an hour! I'm just had to motivate myself and say I'm doing this for myself and for my kids! I want to be a healthier, fun and energetic mom. My next goal is to start running on the treadmill, right now I'm doing moderate pace walking. Hope this helps
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    TV and hula hooping go really well together. i bought a weighted hula hoop YEARS ago and it's been sitting behind my bed for just as long. Now that classes are over and I'm (very nicely) enjoying catching up on every single TV show possible, I dug it out and started spinning it while watching (but I run in the morning too though. JUST DO IT! Slowly get up and put on a sock, then another sock, take a rest and then put on pants and a shirt and get yourself out the door, one step at a time.)

    I have no idea how many calories it burns, or if there are any really real benefits, but it has to be better than just sitting on the coach. I go for hours at a time with it, and after the first day I had bruises and my abs hurt, so that has to mean something...
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Not really, but I am definitely getting used to weighing and counting everything, and I've learnt loads about my eating habits.

    Now I really have to get on the exercise train! I know what I gotta do, but TV is just so damn good :angry:

    Seriously though, any thoughts from people who are motivated to exercise who didnt use to be? Tips would be appreciated!


    For me it was just a matter of actually starting up....that's the hardest part is convincing yourself to actually do it! For me every day for about a week I just didn't want to go, didn't want to get my butt off the couch (I don't even think TV is that good...just being lazy) But now since I've been working out steadily for about 2 weeks now, I can't wait to go again! Of course there are days where I just want to whiiiiine- but then I go and feel so much better that I did! Today is my "rest" day and I wish I could go!