1stone away from goal - should i decrease cardio increase st


I hope someone may be able to provide some good advice.

So I've so far lost 3stone, current body fat is 24%, and I need to really lose another 10-14lbs.

At the moment I work out 4-5 times each week @ home ranging from 45mins - 2hours depending on time - always at least 45 minutes. Each morning I use weights for arm workouts and also try and squeeze some ab work in then before the day starts.

My weight loss has been gradual I have lost 1-2lb each week - some weeks none at all since October as I did not want my body to sag as such! Now for the past couple of months or so i have just about lost 2lbs, with most weeks losing and gaining the same pound.

What are your suggestions for workout? Should I lower the cardio and focus on weights and strength - freeweights, squats, lunges, press up / push up etc. Or should i continue with the cardio. An average workout is 1and half hours usually consisting of 45mins cardio and 45 min strength using own workouts and DVD's!

I'd really appreciate some advice as my motivation is oing since my body does not seem to be improving much lately!
