Join me- I want to blast the pounds away between now and halloween- this is a one month challenge- and am looking for people who would like to join me, motivate each other and help keep everyone on track. I propose everyone considers their goals- pick something attainable- then add an extra little bit- an extra pound, inch or work out per week- break it into mini goals- then check in at least once a week to let us know how you are doing.
Goal: 7 lbs by 10/31- current 1*3

week 1 10/3: 1lb- 7 work outs this week- 1*2
week 2 10/10: 1.5 lb 7 workouts this week- 1*1.5
week 3 10/17: 1.5 lb 8 workouts this week- 1*0
week 4 10/24: 1.5 lb 6 workouts this week-1*8.5
week 5 10/31: 1.5 lb 8 workouts this week-1*7.

Lets do it!!:bigsmile:


  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Join me- I want to blast the pounds away between now and halloween- this is a one month challenge- and am looking for people who would like to join me, motivate each other and help keep everyone on track. I propose everyone considers their goals- pick something attainable- then add an extra little bit- an extra pound, inch or work out per week- break it into mini goals- then check in at least once a week to let us know how you are doing.
    Goal: 7 lbs by 10/31- current 1*3

    week 1 10/3: 1lb- 7 work outs this week- 1*2
    week 2 10/10: 1.5 lb 7 workouts this week- 1*1.5
    week 3 10/17: 1.5 lb 8 workouts this week- 1*0
    week 4 10/24: 1.5 lb 6 workouts this week-1*8.5
    week 5 10/31: 1.5 lb 8 workouts this week-1*7.

    Lets do it!!:bigsmile:
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in!
    Start weight- 215
    10/3- 213
    10/10- 211
    10/17- 209
    10/31- 205

    Plus, i hope to complete my 5 workouts each week...slow and steady, right??
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    I just had to comment because gameset, your schnauzers are SO cute! I have a little white one :) Good luck in your challenge! :heart:
  • msblondy16
    can i join, please? it would be really, really great to get support and feedback like this. we can help each other! i really need to kick my butt into gear!!

    *food goal: give up the excuses and not binge for 4 weeks straight, say NO to extra food offerings from my family
    *exercise goal: focused workouts 5x a week, begin strength training, walk instead of using public transportation when possible
    *weight goal: lose 4 kg by Oct. 31st (~8.8 lbs.)

    **i live in europe and am disappointed with kilograms - pounds are faster to drop!!*
    10.3 - 0.5 down from current (as of Sept. 26th)
    10.10 - 1 kg down
    10.17 - 1 kg down
    10.24 - 1 kg down
    10.31 - 0.5 kg down

    how do you guys feel about proposing an award to ourselves if we accomplish our goal(s)? My reward is a new pair of shoes - but not until then :)!!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm in Gameset! :bigsmile:

    Thanks for setting up a new challenge! :flowerforyou: I like the idea of mini-goals within a month. Still have a long-term goal, but the mini's are more attainable and help keep me focused. As of today, I'm back full force: logging calories (all, every meal), 4-5 workouts a week (at least), and updating my progress. There WILL be PROGRESS!

    Goal: 6 pounds by 10/31
    Cardio 3x a week, at least
    Yoga/Pilates 2x a week

    *Food goal: NO BEER!!! Notice I didn't say all alcohol, but eliminating beer will be a big accomplishment for me. Wine and mixed drinks in moderation, only 2-3 times a week.

    I am ready for this! :bigsmile:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    good to see y'all!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I would like to join! I sure need a double whammy of motivation and between this and the Turbo Jam group...this may just be it.

    Here are my goals:

    Start weight 198.2 (9/27/08)

    week 1 10/3: 1.5 lb and 4 workouts this week
    week 2 10/10: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 3 10/17: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 4 10/24: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 5 10/31: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week

    I do have two food related goals: 1) Get all of my water in each day. 2) I also need to remind myself to stay away from Halloween candy. My hubby can do the shopping for Trick or Treaters and I will just remove myself from any temptations. I hope.
  • natalie424
    I'm in! I need a new challenge... I've really been slacking lately. Thanks, Gameset!

    My overall goal will be to lose 6 lbs. by 10/31... that will bring my total weight loss to 26 lbs.

    My mini goals for this week....
    ~log all food... I haven't been keeping track the past two weeks
    ~drink at least 64 oz. of water
    ~workout 4 times (walking, tennis, strength training)
    ~lose 1 lb.

    I will check in next week to let you all know if I accomplished these goals and to set my goals for the next week. I need to think about them.

    :drinker: Good luck, Boo Blasters! :drinker:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    My goal is to lose 4 pounds by Halloween-lose 1lb a week. I want to lose 0.25 inches off my waist, and 0.5 inches off my hips.

    Second goal is to keep my eating, especially sweets under control. It had gotten out of hand, and I am slowly getting it back under control...I do so well during the day, but blow it at night!:angry:

    Third goal is to consitently lift weights, again. Lower body 2x, upper body 2x and abs 2x a week.

    Happy Challenge Boo Blasters! :flowerforyou:
  • marisa0918
    OK I am in. I would like to lose 5 pounds by Halloween.

    To get back on track with eating and logging everything.
    Start jogging again on the days I work
    Doing some kind of cardio for 15 mins on my off days

    week 1 -- 152 pounds
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Alrightie this is kinda like my halloween hotie challenge. I am in of course. I like this name better. currently I am sitting at
    126 LBs I am almost at goal wt so its harder for me to shred it up. So By next week on tuesday I want to drop one and a half to two. I can hope!!!!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    hey everybody- Mid week check up hope you are working out like crazy and staying the course with your food....

    Me , I have done 4 workouts in the last 2 days,and am doing realy well with food- the scale will show this!!!! :wink:

    Boo to you all...
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    My checkin:

    I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I will work out later tonight. I'm doing good on the food as well. My food scale arrived yesterday so I am using that. I'm even getting my water in. I did have candy corn yesterday but it was a minimal amount and I stayed within my calories for the day.
    My weigh in day is usually Saturday so I'll post some results then.
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    Ok, so its Thursday and it been a reallly rough week...i am a college student and have only had time to work out once since Sun :( I am going today and tomorrow and Sat, so I will make 4 for the week but I already missed one of my goals (workout 5 times a week)...
  • msblondy16
    Hey everyone, I weigh myself on Fridays so today was the first weigh-in for me. I stayed at my weight from last week which is actually OK because last weekend was my birthday weekend so I ate a lottt of really good food between my last weigh-in and now :blushing: . I have been good about not bingeing all this week so I am happy. Workouts have been good - so sore today!

    10/3 - 65 kg
    Next week I want to be down to 64!!

    Good luck to you all. Happy blasting!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I would like to join! I sure need a double whammy of motivation and between this and the Turbo Jam group...this may just be it.

    Here are my goals:

    Start weight 198.2 (9/27/08)

    week 1 10/3: 1.5 lb and 4 workouts this week
    week 2 10/10: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 3 10/17: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 4 10/24: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week
    week 5 10/31: 2 lb and 5 workouts this week

    I do have two food related goals: 1) Get all of my water in each day. 2) I also need to remind myself to stay away from Halloween candy. My hubby can do the shopping for Trick or Treaters and I will just remove myself from any temptations. I hope.

    Week one results:
    I weighed myself when I got up and am the exact same weight :sad:
    I worked out five times.
    Aside from the candy corn slip, I did fine wih my food.
    I have been getting all of my water in.
    Hoping for better scale results next week.
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    hey ya'll!!

    Okay so i met week one weight goal 2 days late, but i'll take it.

    have not ben exercising the last half of this week, but doing okay foodwise- am making CONCIOUS food choices, which is good.

    Today we rode bikes to our local hamburger joint- where- horray- my burger was too salty to eat!!! and then we split a n ice cream. Perfect!!!

    Spiral girl- the only way i can avoid halloween candy is to buy stuff i don't like.

    Blondy- happy birthday from last week!!

    have a good week y'all!!
  • msblondy16
    gameset - good job on reaching your goal weight! and great job with the food!!

    spiral - don't worry about staying the same, at least it was not an increase! :)

    i had a TERRIBLE weekend as far as food goes. i was sick and on the couch watching tv alll weekend which made me feel very alone and sad. it made me want to go home very, very much. i to sweden to go to school about 4 months ago and sometimes i wonder if it was a mistake. i left the perfect boyfriend, friends, mom, and brothers back in the states. i love it here and my work is great and it is really good to see my family again (my mom is from sweden), but sometimes i get very sad and lonely and turn to food for comfort. and they have really good food here in sweden. i tell myself that all would not be the same anyway in the states because what i really miss is my college life, but it is hard to see it that way sometimes. thus, when i get sad/sick/lonely it can spiral out of control.

    so this weekend was very bad bingeing-wise for me. i didnt even binge on like bad food because i did not feel up to walking to the store, i just binged on what i could. ugh. i was so good all last week, too! i am very disappointed in myself.

    i am determined to do this, though, so this is a new week for me. i decided to change my weigh-in days from fridays to mondays to (hopefully) keep myself on-track over the weekends. so my next check-in date is next monday (13.10).

    Goals for this week:
    1. No bingeing for 7 days straight.
    2. No junk food - one bite usually leads to much more!
    3. Do cardio workouts every day with strength training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Happy blasting! I hope everyone had a good weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • natalie424
    I'm in! I need a new challenge... I've really been slacking lately. Thanks, Gameset!

    My overall goal will be to lose 6 lbs. by 10/31... that will bring my total weight loss to 26 lbs.

    My mini goals for this week....
    ~log all food... I haven't been keeping track the past two weeks
    ~drink at least 64 oz. of water
    ~workout 4 times (walking, tennis, strength training)
    ~lose 1 lb.

    I will check in next week to let you all know if I accomplished these goals and to set my goals for the next week. I need to think about them.

    :drinker: Good luck, Boo Blasters! :drinker:

    I'm just checking in... Not a great week for me. I've been incredibly busy with work stuff, and unfortunately didn't meet all of my goals over the week.

    I didn't log all of my meals...
    I did drink at least 64 oz. of water each day... so that is a good thing...
    I worked out three times (walking once and tennis twice)
    I didn't lose... maintained (thankfully!)

    Goals for this week...
    Log all food consistently
    Drink 64 oz of water daily
    Work out at least 4 times
    Lose 1.5 pounds

    Good luck to everyone!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    oh- i wonder if its the time of year that has us all sliding down a slppery slope?

    I am really lacking the motivation to get off my butt and work out!! ugh!! I keep telling myself- just one form of exercise each day, but i think i lose the argument with myself at least half the time....

    Okay- so how do we throw each other a rope here- to hold us all on this mountain?

    C'mon everyone- lets stick to our goals this week!
    B:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: