Started MFP 10 days ago, loving it!

strido Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd drop a line since everyone seems so friendly here, I don't feel as shy as I usually would:)
I've been overweight all my life and now that I've entered my thirties, I thought it was time to
1) stop smoking
2) start exercising
3) lose the pounds
Been reading some of the posts on this forum and I have a very silly question: what is NVS??? I apologise in advance for my ignorance or lack of common sense!
I read some really inspiring stories and love the support you all give each other.
Well done, and happy to be here!


  • 1aprilaries
    1aprilaries Posts: 92 Member
    nsv?? non scale victory
    Welcome to MFP!
  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    Non scale victory - My latest NSV was putting on pants that I haven't worn in years, and actually buttoning them!!

    Welcome to MFP!!
  • strido
    strido Posts: 11 Member
    AAAh that makes sense now! thanks girls! Hope I'll get one in the near future!
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome! I quit smoking when I was 22 years old. I started at 13 :frown: When I quit, every time I wanted a cig, I would go for a walk. Soon, I began to jog. I coughed a lot. All that sweating helps get rid of the toxins from the cigs. Anyway, I quit and NEVER looked back. Good luck!!!
  • anbuckmaster
    anbuckmaster Posts: 51 Member
    I am new here too. I signed up a while ago with the mobile app but never really explored the website until today. I was really curious what NSV was too! I am glad I did some exploring today and found these message boards. There are a lot of inspiring stories and it seems like there is a lot of support and I'm hoping that gives me some motivation to really start working out and sticking with it.

    Good luck with your journey!