
I have been at a plateau for the past month and a bit with my weight...I can't complain since Ive met the goal I set in the beginning and am very proud of myself for getting this far. Now I want to try to go further. . .At the start/week one or two of the plateau I went from a 1200 calorie intake a day to a 1800 calorie intake due to my husband research into my bmr and ratios and such. We figured out my bmr to be 1379 by one formula we found in the forums here and my bmr using MFP's calculator to be at 1479.. . . so we figured add 500 cals to the lower of the two and try that for a few weeks and see if there was any change at the scale. I have dropped inches. . . .clothes feel looser and such but no movement at the scale in over a month. My husband seems to be having the same problem as well. Fluctuating over and under by about 3 lbs. I'm at a loss at what to try next. . . I try to be as honest as possible in my diary and do exercise almost everyday. I eat back nearly all my exercise cals daily and am eating quite healthy choices. My diary is open so if anyone with a bit more experience/knowledge in this area could take a peek and maybe offer some suggestions to me/us it would be appreciated.

My diary is here. . . .

His diary is here. . . .


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Your diary is set to private so even with the link you provided we can not view it. Do you have your activity level set to sedentary? lightly active? active? By setting your own caloric goal, what does MFP say you will lose per week (found on your goal page)? Since you are within the last 20 or so pounds of your goal it will be harder to lose at a higher rate. Shoot for half a pound a week. Use at least half of your exercise calories if you are set at sedentary.

    A few things to try to break a plateau..... 1. bump up to maintenance for a week, then go back down 2. go low(er) carb 3. change your exercise 4. try calorie cycling.