There are "Foodies" and there are "sweeties"

Hello. I tell people I'm not a "foodie" I'm a sweetie. I maintain my diet which is relatively rich in healthy foods, but I simply can not seem to live without my sweets. I have noticed that I'm having a REAL problem with sugar, which is why I'm back to moderating my food consumption on paper. I feel like I'm actually addicted to sugar like a drug! After every meal I find myself thinking about sweets. If they are in my proximity I seemingly have no control against my urges. The other day I thought to myself "I'm not going to eat this candy" as I unwrapped it and gobbled the whole thing up. I tried to challenge myself and restart my system by fasting, which went miserably. Then I challenged myself by cutting all obvious sugar products from my diet for a week.... I only made it 6 days. The more I push sugar away, the more I find myself having bizarre cravings.... an example is I don't drink alcohol or juice and haven't in years, but I've found the persuasive side of myself trying to convince myself to have a twisted tea or some apple juice. When it comes to sugar lately, I really don't feel in control, and I'm very concerned. Even tonight... I wanted to eat one rice crispy treat and I ended up eating 2! I had intended to save the other treat for tomorrow, but I ate it against my own will kind of! I am very ashamed over my weak will power! Can anyone contribute any advice to defeating intense cravings for sweets?

By the way.. I tried fruits, but I'm just as terrible. I ate a whole pineapple in like 10 minutes. I'm skinny, my issue here is not with my weight... but it will be if I keep getting my *kitten* kicked by a sugar binge!


  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Trident Tropical Twist was my answer I guess....Chew 2 pieces after eating...
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Oooohhhhh....I so hear you. I am the same. I've lost the weight and then some despite not eliminating sugar from my diet. My meals are usually healthy, but I don't go a day without chocolate unless I am sick. :-P It's true gum does help. I think part of it is, hey, I can do this and still eat that stuff!

    I did go without sugar entirely for six months once upon a time - and I mean, reading labels and eating nothing with sugar in it at all. That was the only way I kicked it, because it seemed anything with sugar in it would trigger the craving again. But now I'm back here...chocoholic to the point that I will give up other stuff in order to 'save' the calories for sweets. Part of me thinks life is too short to worry about it too much, but with diabetes in my family's history I really should learn a better balance!

    So, while I'm not much help, I certainly have empathy!
  • Tracylynn40
    My mom once told me when your craving something sweet to have a diet root does help...but sometimes the sugar gets the better of me!!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Nutrition fairy is 99% convinced you have a build-up of yeast in your intestines.
    Symptoms? Sugar cravings. As long as you are eating simple carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, all sugars (fruit, candies, bread included) the yeast can grow and live and multiply. Yeast is an intestinal bacteria that (in small amounts) is healthy.. when overdosed, however..
    You may feel dizzy, tired, or cranky without sugar. You may also feel stomach upset a lot because the yeast bacteria are eating the sugar and their waste products (gas) is sitting in your intestines.
    The only way to fix it? BANISH SUGAR.
    You can't even eat rice.
    Go without all sugars, and leave the yeast no choice but to die a happy death, because you didn't need them and they don't know what they are doing except eating.
    If you want more info on candidas (overgrowth of yeast), message me. I can help you out :) Good luck.. I'm a "sweetie" as well so I feel your pain 110%!
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I can't help myself, so apologizing in advance, but yeast is not bacteria! Sorry, my BSc in Food Science (Minor in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals) will not let me ignore that.... :-D It's an affliction, I know! :ohwell:
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Oh, no, I'm working on my Nutrition degree so I welcome it! Haha I was typing out of haste on that one thank you for correcting. Yeast, the ... organism. Haha