
Akiyah Posts: 57
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Can plateaus happen even in the beginning of an exercise program? I am 258 lbs and my calories are set to 1850 a day...not sure if that sounds right for me but I really don't know enough info to figure it out for myself so I eat whatever this site has set for me. I have felt like nothing has changed this past week and I am finding that I am getting hungrier than I have been when I started. I eat back my calories from exercise and still get hungry. Any advice would be great...thank you.

Ok I have made my diary public...not guarantying it will be that way for long, but I really want some honest feedback...thanks so much for taking the time to do so.


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    can you make your diary public so we can take a looksie? :flowerforyou:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Well I guess that could happen but not normally. How long have you been dieting and what kind of results have you been getting? Loss per week? It took me about two months to hit a plateau. I agree if you open your diary up, we could help you a lot more.
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    I am also at a plateau and it is super hard when toy feel like you are changing everything and working hard but you see no change. It would be great if we could see your daily diary to be abe to help you out better. Just stick to the plan though. It was hard for me in the beginning and I am doing 1400 a day and eat back what i lost either. IT will get easier though as your stomach will start to shrink. I now have a hard time neting 1000 because i am just not hungry enough. Good luck though!!!
  • The first thing that came to my mind is to make sure you are weighing your foods to be sure you are eating the right portions and if you don't own a heart rate monitor to calculate calories you have burned during exercise and you are using the estimate that mfp gives, you might be eating too much b/c this site tends to over estimate calories burned. Good luck to you and hang in there!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I felt like I was hungry for the first 2 weeks because previous to that I'd been eating SOO much extra food than I really needed. I started out at 242 (I'm 5'7"). After that my MIND got used to the fact that I didn't need that much food and my body caught up too.

    I had my weight loss goal at 2lbs a week loss and couldn't do it, so I dropped to 1 1/2lbs and felt much better, and early on the weight still came off at more than that.
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    Diary is now public...ty : )
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I looked only at the last couple of days, but you need to eat all your calories. You are not eating enough. Having said that, since you have just started out, that likely is not the problem since going into the mode takes at least a week or two, but maybe it has been that long. Either way, eat all 1850 calories at least. Also seek to avoid the sodium heavy processed foods. Eat more lean protein as well, that will help you feel more full. Also high fiber foods like veggies are very helpful. Also drink more water eight 8 ounce cups a day at least. Preferably more.
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