College weight?

gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
Just curious. How much did you weigh when you started college, after your first year, when you graduated, and now?

107-110, 120, 135-140, 142


  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Started 190
    After 1 year 195
    Now: 307

    Working on it.
  • I start at 135, then 150 at the end of year one ( i was planning a wedding during finals week and was not very healthy at all), still going to school, no 171.5
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I played soccer in college so that helped...

    1st year 149
    2nd year 156 (but lower body fat %)
    now- 180
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    Started; 175
    after 1 year: 224
    1 year till graduation (Present): 198
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Freshman year = 113
    Sophomore year = 123
    Junior & Senior years = 126
    My 20s = 127 to 135
    My 30s = 136 to 157
    Now at 43 = 127 :)
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    Before I started...maybe 125? After my first year 118! :D
  • MizzCNyle
    MizzCNyle Posts: 40
    I have been away at school for almost a year and have gone from 235 to my current 246. I gained most of my weight after I got with my husband..... I went from 160lb to my current in 6 years :(
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    freshmen- 158
    sophomore (this fall)- 135
    now- 135 =] !
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Graduated HS at 165 and in very good shape.
    During Fresh and Soph years of college, I got up to 188 (that I *know* of)....
    Jr/SR year got down to 170ish.

    I've kept the weight off since then (for about 7 years now)...I weigh 165 now. I gained about 20 pounds during my pregnancy. But that's the only time I've had significant weight gain.

    Trying to lose about 10 more and reevaluate. Or maybe not lose any at all at this point, maybe just lower body fat percentage.
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    start 117, one year 127, finish 123, now 113!
  • ACF2
    ACF2 Posts: 51
    i been in colledge over six years and only gained 30lbs! freshman at 210!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Started college: 150-155ish
    Middle of Freshman year to graduation: 118-135
    It's been 3 years since I graduated and I'm 157 now (highest weight was 165ish though)!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I actually never gained weight during college until I met my boyfriend my junior year (which is why I'm at my highest weight EVER right now, ugh). During summers I usually lost weight as well.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    So I didn't weigh myself before I started, so I don't know what my weight was.
    But my junior year I finally stepped on a scale and to my horror was 204.
    Didn't weigh myself again until this January (halfway through my first year of law school), and was 212.
    Now my 1L year is done, and I am down to 177!!!

    I'm thinking I haven't weighed this little since about high school, or just a little bit after it.
  • oleeanders
    oleeanders Posts: 2 Member
    125, 130, 145, 143
  • puff924
    puff924 Posts: 1
    When I started college, I weighed approximately 120. At the end of my freshman year, I was down to about 105. When I graduated, I was back up to 120. Flash forward 6 years and I was up to 168. I made my way back down to 128 but am now struggling again at 142. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I am only 5'2" and have a slender frame so a little weight gained really shows.
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    When I started college, I weighed approximately 120. At the end of my freshman year, I was down to about 105. When I graduated, I was back up to 120. Flash forward 6 years and I was up to 168. I made my way back down to 128 but am now struggling again at 142. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I am only 5'2" and have a slender frame so a little weight gained really shows.
    We're the same size. Welcome to MFP.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    Pre-college: 165
    after freshman year: 165
    now (just finished junior year): 180
  • Where are you from? "College" can mean secondary school in the UK or it can mean university in the US. I live in the US, so I'll just tell you what about my university experience:

    When I started, I weighed 133 lbs. I gained like 6 lbs my first semester, but worked hard my second semester to get it back off, so I think I weighed like 134 after my first year. I actually weighed 128 when I graduated because I had been in a boot camp and had been logging everything I ate for the few months preceding my ceremony. (I gained the weight back and then some pretty quickly, btw.) It's been a little over a year since I graduated and I now weigh 143.5 lbs, Before now, I never weighed more than 139 and even that was a huge number for me. My goal weight is 133. I don't feel ugly or fat or whatever at my current weight, but I want to get back to my normal weight because I believe weight gain has a "snowball effect." If I say this current weight gain is okay and then I gain a few more lbs and say those are fine too, and then I gain a few more and let those slide as well...well, the snowball just gets bigger and bigger as it rolls down the hill. I would rather just continually re-evaluate and get myself back to 133.
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Where are you from? "College" can mean secondary school in the UK or it can mean university in the US. I live in the US, so I'll just tell you what about my university experience:

    When I started, I weighed 133 lbs. I gained like 6 lbs my first semester, but worked hard my second semester to get it back off, so I think I weighed like 134 after my first year. I actually weighed 128 when I graduated because I had been in a boot camp and had been logging everything I ate for the few months preceding my ceremony. (I gained the weight back and then some pretty quickly, btw.) It's been a little over a year since I graduated and I now weigh 143.5 lbs, Before now, I never weighed more than 139 and even that was a huge number for me. My goal weight is 133. I don't feel ugly or fat or whatever at my current weight, but I want to get back to my normal weight because I believe weight gain has a "snowball effect." If I say this current weight gain is okay and then I gain a few more lbs and say those are fine too, and then I gain a few more and let those slide as well...well, the snowball just gets bigger and bigger as it rolls down the hill. I would rather just continually re-evaluate and get myself back to 133.

    I was talking about US. I didn't know college meant secondary school in the UK.