Yoplait commercial considered controversial? Interesting..



  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    It was pretty realistic. Most of us have those struggles daily. If true life is considered controversial, then I guess the commercial was, as well. I was not offended by it.
  • tdot64
    tdot64 Posts: 19
    i completely understand how it is offensive. for people who do not have eating disorders, however, it may not be apparent. those who have experienced an eating disorder live with that arguing voice inside their head trying to make compromises and convince them to "eat the celery" or "jog in place" while eating the cheesecake. the commercial literally personified that voice.
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    I have that conversation in my head every time I eat. I think most people who are counting calories and really absorbed by monitoring their food/exercise do. And I have literally jogged in place to compensate for indulgences myself. I guess part of being sort of bothered by the controversy was seeing news stories reporting on the commercial as if there is something inherently wrong with having the "trade off" conversation. Of course, when taken to the extreme, that kind of obsession is certainly very unhealthy and a symptom of a deeper problem, but it isn't always so. It just seemed odd that they singled out the commercial when everywhere you turn there are ads and magazine covers and special episodes of daytime television shows telling us to look at food that way.

    In the end, I guess the commercial could be viewed as wreckless, but no more wreckless than any other advertisement out there. They are all designed to manipulate us into buying something and it's important to keep that in mind. I only knew of the ad because it was posted on a news site. I don't really watch television myself and a big reason for that is that I can't stomach all of the advertisements. They are all so completely ridiculous.

    The Sarah Haskins "Target Women" series is absolute comedy gold in exploring that theme, the way ads are geared toward shaming us into being "good little consumers."
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I think it is ridiculous that people take everything to extremes. Her thoughts are something that most people dieting or watching their weight says to themselves; or maybe I am all alone in this. (Doubt it.) I do not see anything wrong with it; it is reality.
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    A lot of people who talk about the ad, talk about it not being so bad and say that "The yogurt is the healthier choice, of course!" It makes me wonder whether Yoplait didn't just get the ball rolling on the "controversy" themselves for the sake of free publicity. :laugh:
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    i completely understand how it is offensive. for people who do not have eating disorders, however, it may not be apparent. those who have experienced an eating disorder live with that arguing voice inside their head trying to make compromises and convince them to "eat the celery" or "jog in place" while eating the cheesecake. the commercial literally personified that voice.

    Or, for the person's whos eating disorder is simply eating too much/making poor choices, it's an accurate reflection of their inner struggle. Oh, well at least the ones that acknowledge how many fat/calories are in the cheesecake. Some folks might eat the cheesecake and put the yogurt on top. Running? what's that?

    People are too easily offended. What about the type 1 diabetics who are angry that we really just don't understand the impact of that struggle for decadent goodies is to them? emotionally AND physically?

    I'm offended that she's pretty. I feel bad and now it's their fault. I'm offended that she's not X, Y, or Z. She should weigh more. She should be speaking another language - how come it's not subtitled? She should be older. Male. Doesn't she know that vegans everywhere are disgusted that she'll eat either?!

    Not to be rude, but sometimes you just have to take it as it is. It's not like she's thinking 'I could go throw up afterwards...' That would be southpark's spin.

    It's obviously ment light hearted and to target people who are trying to make healthy choices.

    Now all that said - I hate their yogurt. One of my least favorites on the shelf. I find it funny that I'm defending the commercial since I won't buy their stuff. My pet peeve is -- many of the grocery stores in my area, 2/3 of the yogurt (easily) is yoplait. And I hate it.

    But, obviously, I'm in the minority. They won't stock it if it won't sell. People must love it. So I buy the ones I like to support them and wrinkle my nose at the yoplait containers.
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