

  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Being able to wear my new/smaller clothes....feeling good about shopping and what I can wear (what fits comfortably)

    Singh and Brett, Fat free yoga

    Nothing really...I jump up at 6:30 to hit the treadmill and squeeze in 30min of yoga while the kids are at school in the am (boy those 2 hrs go way too quick)

    Be healthier better!

    Good luck everyone!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just had this HUGE post typed out to everyone & my 3yo hit something & it all disappeared.:angry: Oh, well. Worse things could happen.

    Anyways, I just was saying how good it is to see more people jumping on board! Some people don't understand how I have to squeeze in time to exercise b/c I"m "home all day". Riiiight. I was starting to think that it was me, but talking to all of you I realize that we're all busy, too! It doesn't matter that we're HOME, we're busy women!

    Here's one that can give you all a giggle. We were on our daily walk through our village, the boys in the stroller, the baby in the sling, me puffing along & trying to keep the boys interested in nature & not killing each other. A lady was getting her mail & yelled out to me how it looked like I had my hands full. Now, before I go on, you need to know that I'm 26 years, she asks me, "are ALL those your grandkids?!" *cough*:huh: Excuse me? Ummm, they're all mine! *sigh* I think I need to see a plastic surgeon after all this weight is off! :tongue:

    Kim - what is Singh & Brett? I've never heard of that one.

    Guntherma - I know what you mean about the walking. My 3yo always asks to walk with me & I just can't do it. Sometimes on the weekends when my DH is home, I leave the little 2 at home & my 3yo & I will go for a walk down the street, but that isn't nearly as much as I NEED to walk, KWIM? I hope your 16 yo realizes how important this is to you & stops complaining soon.

    Have a lovely Thursday, ladies!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello Moms!! I figured you all could relate to this one. Y'day I was going to head to the Y after helping in my 7yo's class. I get in the van and drive up the street to realize my van has a flat tire!! My wonderful neighbor let me borrow her car (I had to park it in her driveway) and I made it to the school to help. Needless to say... no trip to the Y!! Good thing I am mainly a home exerciser and have tons of workouts to choose from! I am dealing w/ a pulled calf muscle so no running at least this week!!

    Anyway... tire is fixed and I'm headed to the Y for the elliptical and swim this morning in a little bit!

    Get in those workouts, ladies!!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    swim a lap for me, jess! glad your tire is fixed. I hate car problems. They always happen at the worst time...then again, I guess there is no "good" time for a car problem. :ohwell:
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Okay ladies so yesterday I got mad at myself because I realized I had been making excusses not to work out - so I told my hubby when he got home at 5 that I was strtign a 10 challenge to myself!! I am going to work out everynight for 10 days and watch what I eat (as I normally don't) and I am determined to loose 3 - 5 pounds in the 10 days!!!
    So with all of this I found my Turbo Jam chart (that I got when I bought it in2006) and I had never used it so my darling of a hubby help me and here are my measurements:
    Chest: - 39 1/2
    R Upper arm - 13 1/4
    L Upper arm - 13 1/4
    Waist - 36 1/2
    Hips - 41
    R Thigh - 25
    L Thigh - 25
    Weight - 167.5

    So I hope that all of those numbers are alot smaller after the 10 days!!!

    So my work out for day #1 was TJ Booty & Ab Sculpt Live (30 mins) and 20 mins of TJ Cardio Party Mix 1 (ususally 40 mins)
    I had to stop in the middle of Cardio Party because my Left knee was acting up - but I at least got my workout in and am feeling good this morning so I will be working out tonight for Day #2

    I hope everyone has a great day & a great workout too!!!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi all

    How is everyone doing?
    I didn't eat so well yesterday...tired/stressed and getting a cold but I did 1 hour of yoga and 30min on the treadmill
    My dd thought it would be a good idea to get up at 4:30a,...she was WIDE awake and never went back to bed
    By 6:00, I decided to hit the treadmill....figured I might has well get it over with and do something productive
    I'm up 1 pound from last week, so I need to get back on track!

  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all

    How is everyone doing?
    I didn't eat so well yesterday...tired/stressed and getting a cold but I did 1 hour of yoga and 30min on the treadmill
    My dd thought it would be a good idea to get up at 4:30a,...she was WIDE awake and never went back to bed
    By 6:00, I decided to hit the treadmill....figured I might has well get it over with and do something productive
    I'm up 1 pound from last week, so I need to get back on track!


    Don't you just love when the kids decide it's time to get up and it's the middle of the night?! My youngest daughter is 4 months and she gets up between 4 & 6 every morning only to stay up until 9 or 10 before she goes down for a 20 min power nap and then she's up again until 1 or 2 then another 20 min nap then she's up until 4 - 5 for yet another 20 min nap then she'll be up until 8 and then she goes down for the night & then we start over again the next oldest is 2 and she keeps me going the rest of the time (potty training - somedays I'd like to just put her back in a diaper and forget about it - but I know she'll get eventually)

    You can get back on track - and your doing great don't let 1 pound drive you crazy!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Audry - that's how my weight loss started was a challenge to myself. I did every day for 7 days & logged my food on MFP religiously. It gave me a really good view of what I was doing wrong & helped kick start this whole thing. Best of luck! You're doing great already!

    Kim - Oy with the 4:30! My 3yo wakes up EVERY day between 4:30 & 5:30. If he makes it to 5:45, it is a minor miracle. It gets so exhausting. The worst part is that him & my "nearly" 2yo son share a room & half the time he wakes up his little bro, too. I feel for you! Hopefully she won't make it a ritual!

    Off to TurboJam while the kiddos are sleeping. I forgot that I'm babysitting another little 3yo tonight for a few hours so I have a ton to do before then. Yippy!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    3babybeans - I hope you have a great work out!!!

    I hope that my 10 day challenge will help me to kick start my weight loss goal as I have kinda hit a slump of not wanting to workout and eat right...So I defenitly have to get back to my healthy ways- That's what really got me to sign up for MFP - a gal pal of mine said that she used it to keep track of her food and excercise, so here I am and I have noticed I eat more than I should so hoping to change that in the next 10 days!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You can do it, Audry! I lost weight before I got married (not nearly as much as I need to loose now, but still) and the only way I could do it was logging food. I worked in a restaurant at the time so the temptation was ALWAYS there! If you feel "slumpy" think of all the work you've done to get where you are already! You're only going to get healthier from here!

    TJ'ing went okay today. 3 phone calls & 2 awake kids during the 40 min. kind of hindered things, but I finished it. It took me nearly an hour, but I finished it! :laugh:
  • honeybunchthree
    honeybunchthree Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome to SAHM on a MISSION - if you are new we are a group of Stay at Home Mom on a Mission - wether you are a stay at home or a work from home mom, we want you to join us in our goals to a healthier skinner us!!!

    Okay ladies so this week I thought we would post our motivations for working out!

    (1) Post your daily motivation

    (2) What is your favorite workout?

    (3) What is the thing that makes getting in your workout difficult?

    (4) What are your life changing goals? i.e. weight lose, inches, toning, health

    1) Want to look and feel better
    2) Walking/jogging
    3) no babysitter at night
    4) lose inches
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Alright - fess up time!!!
    How's everyones workouts going this week?

    Mine are going on day 3 of a 10 day challenge - I'll workout tonight after my hubby gets home - Turbo Jam Cardio Party Live Remix!!!
    It's been kinda a rough week but I am getting back on track (starting with this 10 challenge for my self)

    Let's all try to get in 3 to 4 workouts by next Friday (1 week Challenge)

    I'll start a new post - SAHM on a MISSION Challege #1

    and we can post our workouts and what not there too!!!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Just bouncing in to say Hey ladies!!!
  • guntherma
    guntherma Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to SAHM on a MISSION - if you are new we are a group of Stay at Home Mom on a Mission - wether you are a stay at home or a work from home mom, we want you to join us in our goals to a healthier skinner us!!!

    Okay ladies so this week I thought we would post our motivations for working out!

    (1) Post your daily motivation

    (2) What is your favorite workout?

    (3) What is the thing that makes getting in your workout difficult?

    (4) What are your life changing goals? i.e. weight lose, inches, toning, health

    1) Want to look and feel better
    2) Walking/jogging
    3) no babysitter at night
    4) lose inches

    Welcome, glad to meet you
  • yoyoqueen
    Hi Ladies, I would love to join in.

    (1) Post your daily motivation - trying to keep up with my two young boys and just wanting to feel comfortable in my own body again

    (2) What is your favorite workout? I enjoy working out with a personal trainer when I can...otherwise, I walk on the treadmill

    (3) What is the thing that makes getting in your workout difficult? time, time, time.

    (4) What are your life changing goals? I want to lose weight and stay healthy. I have gained and lost so much weight in the past that I want to finally put my weight issue behind me.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the group, yoyoqueen! :) I hope this site puts you on track like it seems like it has for so many of us! Best of luck!

    Good idea, Audry! I'll go search for the post now so I can post.