I think I need a "daily buddy", anyone up for it?

Hey, so I'm relatively new to this website but not to weight loss. I've been overweight since I was around 12 and it's been an on and off thing ever since. Right now I'm back up to my highest weight in a while and it's mostly because I can't stop binging. I get very stressed out and it just takes over me and the more I binge the more stressed out I get and it's a never ending cycle.
I've joined a few challenges and I'm excited to keep going with that but I don't think it's enough to stay on track.

I think I really am at my best when I'm trying to help and motivate someone else since it keeps my spirits up, so I'd love to have a buddy system with someone where we just check in every day, talk about how our days went, if we had a hard time with cravings or binges or anything really, I think it'd be an amazing motivator,a good way to be held accountable and I'd really love the support.

If anyone's up for it please let me know =)


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Me me me!
    Ill send you private request;)
  • sandspresley9873
    would love to!!!! add me
  • lisadonachie
    me :) , ill send u add x
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    sure, can always use the extra push
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I am always up for making new friends!! Feel free to send me a friend request and message if you want!!
  • Dabowler
    Dabowler Posts: 7
    Sure. Sounds like fun. Add me. If I can motivate my wife I can motivate anyone..LOL
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    If you have room for one more I would love to help motivate and also can always use extra motivation!!

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  • tjnotthehooker
    you can add me gal:).....