Sneaker Inserts/ Orthotics

I am in the market for a new pair of sneakers. I have custom orthotics from the podiatrist. Is there still a need to buy sneakers aligned for my food issues? The Asics I currently use I bought prior to my orthotics and I went to a running store to be fitted. Is this necessary again or could I just buy any well-made running shoe and be great?



  • kirkemorgan
    If you are asking about special shoes that fit orthotics, mine fit in most all different shoes. bring them when your buying to put them in when trying on new pairs.
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm wondering more about if I need to continue buying more expensive specialized sneakers since I have the custom orthotics.
  • sylouette98
    sylouette98 Posts: 65 Member
    My experience was that I didn't need the expensive shoes anymore since I had the orthodics. I just needed a shoe that had enough cushion toward the toe. Hope that helps...