Could use some advice on exercise schedule

I get bored easily but have found a workout schedule that I enjoy and know I can stick with, however I'm struggling with the "weights" part of it, I really hate doing my weights workout so tend to sometimes skip it.... it may be in part because the gym I go to is ALWAYS crowded at times when I am able to go, but finances mean I'm kinda stuck with this gym or no gym...

So this is my exercise schedule, if anyone has any input or advice I would greatly appreciate it as I seem to have reached a plateau on my weight loss... (74lbs so far which is approx half way) which I have been told is partly due to not consuming enough calories (which I'm working on)

M - Rest day
T - Cardio - 60 mins on treadmill a mixture of running, speed walking and hill walking
W - 90 min karate training
Th - Weights. Also I walk to work and back on this day approx 2.5 mile round trip
Fri - 120 min karate training - Walk to work again on this day 2.5 mile round trip
S - 60 min Cardio same as Tuesday
Sun - Weights - I often find that my lack of motivation for doing weights means I skip this one


  • kirkemorgan
    If you only have two days of weights, you have to bust your *kitten*, no matter if it's crossfit type or a BBing program. You won't gain anything if you skip a day or two.
  • kirkemorgan
    And congrats on your lost weight so far, there is no magic program to get you motivated, just hit it, and try to make a game of it by trying to increase either weight or reps every time you lift.